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The doctor told me i had to wait in the waiting room for Ivan as i cried hysterically. Jake was holding me back for jumping out and running into Ivans room. Me and most of Team Ten were waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us whats wrong. Every hour some people left. Its 11:30 pm and we came here at 5:00 . The only people with me were Tessa, Chance and Jake. Tessa was sittin by my side as i leaned on her shoulder and Jake held my hand. Chance kept reassuring me that everything is ok when i just wanted to yell at him and tell him its not. Another hour passed as Chance left and i was with Tessa and Jake.
Y/N:" You guys can go home , I'll stay here"
I said with a yawn.
Tessa:"you have to come too"
I shook my head.
Jake:" Y/N, we have to go"
Y/N:" Im not gonna leave him!!"
I said while bursting into tears as i tried to hold them in for hours. Jake and Tessa sat back down to comfort me. The nurse came out . I jumped out of my seat and ran up to her.
Y/N:" Is he ok?? How is he??"
Nurse:" he's stable but not awake. You can see him tommorow but he's in a coma.Visiting hours are over, you can leave now"
Y/N:"  please let me see him. I will do anything. Please. Im not going to leave until i see him."
I begged her. I was about to get on my knees when she finally let me.
Nurse:" ok but only 2 minutes "
I ran into Ivans room and stopped when i saw him hooked up to all the machines with medical fabric wrapped around his head and his stiched up lip. I slowly walked up to him half scared and half thankful that hes alive. I sat next to his bed.
Y/N:" oh Ivan this is all my fault i should have never let you go ."
I said while sobbing into his hospital bed. I put my head on his stomach and fell asleep to the feeling of him breathing.
I woke up to the hospital smell of medicine and bleach. I found myself sleeping next to Ivan who was still in a coma. Jake and Tessa were in the doorway.
Jake:" you spent the night here?"
I nodded.
Tessa:" come on, lets go to the house to freshen up , then we will come back here."
I listened to Tessa as i kissed Ivans forehead and left his room. All my makeup has washed off by now and my hair was a mess. I smelt like blood. Tessa got me a outfit to change in so that i didnt have blood all over me. We went back to the house and i felt so dead inside without Ivan with me. We finally arrived as i rushed to my room to freshen up and everyone at Team Ten greeted me with hugs . Everything that was messed up had police tape around it and policemen were everywhere.
Y/N:" did anyone even sleep?"
Tessa:" nope"
I sighed.
Y/N:"Jake lets go!"
We got into the Tesla and drove to the hospital. My phone started to ring.
Y/N:" hello?"
Doctor:" Is this Y/N ?"
Y/N:" yes"
Doctor:" well its seems that Ivan Martinez has woken up and you may visit him!"
Y/N:" Were on our way!! Thank you so much doctor "
I told Jake the great news as he drove faster. We finally reached the hospital and i rushed to Ivans room. I immediately held him in my arms and kissed his forehead.
Y/N:" Ivan i was so worried !! I love you so much!"
He pushed me off of him and i was shocked.
Ivan:" who are you ??"
My heart broke into a million pieces yo his words. Who was i ? Did he lose his memory?
Y/N:" wh...what do you mean??"
I said stumbling on my words trying to make sense os this.
Ivan:" i mean who are you ?"
Jake:" bro Ivan! Dont you remember us?! Team ten?? You love Y/N??"
Ivan:" i dont know who you are. Leave before i call the nurse"
Y/N:" i will"
The nurse came in and she told us that Ivan had temporary memory loss due to his injury. The only things he will remember is how to read and write and his family. No friends of where he lived. I burst into tears and Ivan looked at me like i was crazy.
Y/N:" but i love him! He loves me! Jake tell him who we are ! Please.... remember me!"
Jake pulled me into a tight hug. I cryed into gis chest and he explained to Ivan what happened and who we are.
Ivan:" I understand but what if i dont love that girl? What if i dont want to part of 'team'ten?"
Jake:" you can go back to spain......"
We left the hospital and i cried the whole time as Jake held my hand. We went back to Team Ten and explained the situation. I just locked myself in my room and cried. I went through pictures of me and Ivan on my phone . The weeks past as i spent them in my room constantly crying and watching Netflix. Ivan has come to Team Ten and decided to stay here and see if some of his memory would come back. Emilio still hasnt been found ,  and im depressed as ever. Someone knocked on my door and came in . It was Ivan.
Ivan:" hey , i was wondering if we could take a walk to places we went? Maybe i can remember something? I truly feel bad for you.."
Y/N:" Yeah!! Sure ! Let me just freshen up. I'll be down in 10"
He left my door as i washed my face and brushed my hair. I put on some light makeup and wore a shoulder off shirt . I put on jeans and my vans and hopped outside. I ran downstairs hoping that everything will be alright. My heart sank as i saw a girl giggle at everything Ivan was saying. As i walked closer i heard what they were talking about.
Girl:" So Ivan , want to go for a walk at the park?"
Ivan:" me and my friend are going , i'll ask if you can come."
Omg, did he actually just say that?Ivan bumped into me as he clearly didnt see me and I didn't see him.
Ivan:" hey! Y/N, can Monica come with us ?"
I rolled my eyes.
Y/N:" No Ivan . Sorry but i need to help you remember what is going on."
Monica:" Please! I want to help! Besides , i was his ex girlfriend . He just doesn't remember."
She said while batting her fake eyelashes at me and giving me a misivious smile.
Y/N:" Ivan , please. We need to go . I have a few places in mind."
I grabbed his hand leading him to the door.
Ivan:" what was that?"
He said jerking his hand away from me.
Y/N:" please Ivan , can we just go?"
Ivan:" fine"
We went outside as there where no fans , but just policemen and security guards surrounding the house. He followed me to the spot where he asked me if i loved him and i ran off.
Y/N:" here, do you remember what happened here? I was going to my favorite breakfast spot and you followed me. Then you asked me if i loved you and i ran away. Tears started spilling as Ivan wrapped his arms around me.
Ivan:" im trying, I really am, i think I remember something but im not sure"

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