Chapter 3: Keep it in

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Ella's POV

"Conceal it, don't, don't feel it," I say to myself over and over again. I'm out in my nightgown with a cloak walking up the North Mountain. I couldn't let them know I left. They would chase me and all I want is to be alone. I don't want to hurt anyone. And if they come after me, they will get hurt. I heard that Mother chased Elsa and got struck in the heart with her powers. Only an act of true, jumping in front of Elsa to protect her from being slain by Evil Hans, could save her. I can't have anyone hurt, I can't be the monster in this scenario. So I had to leave. I can live out here, make an ice home. I'll be okay. But then they may see the magic on the mountain. So now I don't know what to do.

I sing the little song Elsa taught me.
"Don't let them in,
Don't let them see,
Be the good girl you always have to be.
Conceal, don't feel, put on a show,
Make one wrong move and everyone will know."

I sigh. I don't shiver though. I don't get cold. I look up and see only the sky. I am at the top of the North Mountain.

Sorry, that was really short, the next ones will be longer.

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