Prolouge/Chapter 1:Frozen Too

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"We'd like to ask for your blessing of our child," Kristoff and Anna say together. Elsa smiles. "Congrats you guys, do you know, boy or girl," she asks. Kristoff looks at Anna. "Girl." Elsa looked at Anna. "When are you due," she asks. "December, we don't know the exact date yet, I'm about three months in," Anna replies. "I'm happy for you, really," Elsa tells them. "So, do we get a blessing?" asks Anna. "Of course." Elsa smiles.

Elsa puts her hand over where the baby was. She closes her eyes and gives a silent blessing. Anna's so excited, she might explode. Elsa opens her eyes. "Now kiss Kristof," she tells Anna."Excuse me?" Anna asks.
"I told you to kiss Kristoff."
"What does..."
"Just do it, Anna," says Elsa laughing.
Anna and Kristoff share a kiss. "There," says Elsa," now the baby knows what love is." Anna and Kristoff smile and thank Elsa. They walk down the hallway to their room. And Anna walks into a smaller room connected to theirs. It's supposed to be the nursery. Right now it's an empty room waiting to be painted. She smiles at the thought of her new child. All of a sudden, Anna starts feeling really cold. Kristoff walks into the room and sees her on the floor. "What happened," he asks panicked. Anna is unconscious.


Oh, what do u think happened to her. That is for me to know and u to find out. But if u think you've figured it out, comment on this question.

What do u think happened to Anna?


6 months later...
This is just a tiny chapter.

The baby's name was Ella. She was beautiful with dark hair and blue eyes. Anna and Kristoff smiled at each other. They had wanted a child so badly. Olaf found a new friend to. He liked to touch Ella's nose and talk about how tiny it was, and about how he had a tiny nose until Anna pushed it through his head. Arendale rejoiced. For a moment everyone was happy.

Chapter 1
5 years later...
"Elsa, it's an emergency," called Anna. "Yeah, I have magical hair," said Ella. Anna ignored her. "Elsa!" Elsa ran out of her room. "Well, Anna, you couldn't wait to dye her hair now, could you, you tried to give her your little stripe and it went all over, is the carpet stained?" said Elsa. "We've got a real problem Elsa," said Anna frustrated. "Oh my gosh, did you get it on the velvet carpet?!" Elsa asked scared. "No, Elsa just listen, Ella was playing and I came over to run my fingers through her hair and it started turning white. Kristoff isn't here and I thought maybe you would know." Elsa looked confused for a second and then it popped into her head. "Oh, this is bad, very, very bad." Anna got scared. "Elsa..." Elsa looked Anna in the eye. "May I speak with Ella for a couple hours, I think I can solve this?" Anna nodded and hurried off.

"C'mon in," Elsa told Ella. Ella walked cautiously into Elsa's room."Ella, can you touch the windowsill for me?" Elsa asked. "Ok?" said Ella touching it. Slowly, ice crept up the side of the window. Ella pulled her hand away and gasped. Elsa walked over to her dresser and opened one of the drawers. She pulled out a small wooden box. The box contained a set of small gloves and a golden bracelet. "Wear these, Ella, they will keep you from freezing things," Elsa told the child who was pulling the gloves on. Elsa pulled out the bracelet. "My father gave this to me when I was your age, it helped keep me calm sometimes," she said. Ella read the tiny cursive engraved in the bracelet.(plz don't ask how the child knows cursive)"Conceal it, don't feel it, don't let it show," she read slowly. "What does that mean?" She asked Elsa. "It means keep your powers hidden, don't think about them, and don't give anyone else a reason to accuse you," she told her. Ella nodded. She headed towards the door. "Ella," Elsa stopped her," don't tell your mother yet, and under no circumstance are you to get upset." Ella looked worried but walked away calmly and shoving the gloves in her pocket to hide them from her mother.

At the royal dinner every single attendant had their eyes on Ella. Anna looked at Elsa as if to ask what was wrong. Elsa looked out in the hallway and the girls both went out there. "Don't freak out," Elsa told her sister. "Yeah," said Ella excitedly running into the room wearing the gloves and bracelet,"I have magical powers." Anna looked at her daughter in horror. Her lips formed the word ice and the child nodded. Anna looked about ready to cry. She ran down the hall to her room leaving Elsa and Ella all alone. They went back, finished eating and went to bed. Elsa was afraid for Ella because the people might think she's the monster they thought she was. They might try to harm or kill Ella. They tried to kill Elsa, why not someone littler and defenseless like Ella.

Elsa can't figure out what to do until she finally understands. Ella has to show her secret now, because the biggest mistake you can make is to spend your life making sure you don't make one.

Ella grew up learning to control her powers and making progress, but she can't hold it in forever. Anna and Kristoff agreed that they should now keep her in the palace until she was twelve and had more control over her powers. They didn't want people to think she was a monster as they did Elsa. They taught her, with Elsa's help, to conceal her powers without the gloves on, so people didn't suspect things. Ella wanted to go outside badly, but her parents only let her in the courtyard. Ella had only been outside a few times when she was younger. She could barely remember the last time she was free.


Sorry, that was pretty short, there will be some longer chapters soon. Remember FOLLOW, VOTE, COMMENT ; )

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