Final Chapter

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"Karla Camila Cabello get your ass down this stairs now. If you let your cereal get cold I will beat." Sinu's voice rang throughout the house. 

Camila sighed and rolled her eyes reluctantly hitting Shut Down on her laptop. Normani had promised to skype before her first day in school. The Texan didn't go back till tomorrow so the one hour time difference was irrelevant for once. She had probably slept in or got called into work. This was happening more and more in the past week. 

She grabbed her black and red checked bag pack and peered at the reflection in the mirror. She was wearing black shorts, black converse and a black Houston Rockets jersey that Normani had sent her. She had considered putting in an effort for her first day of senior year but thought better of it. She had no one to impress. 

Downstairs the kitchen was empty but voices echoed from the backyard. Stepping outside she was met by both her family and Zayn's family. 

"There's the love struck fool." Tom said throwing his arm around Camila and placing a kiss on her head. "Morning uncle Tom." Camila smiled weakly taking a seat on the bench in between Zayn and Sinu. The long table was laden with a multitude of breakfast foods. Pancakes, waffles, French pastries, bacon, eggs, fruit. Camila was surprised it was able to handle the weight. 

"How's Normani?" Sinu asked pouring Camila a cup of coffee and handing her an empty plate. Camila shrugged gladly accepting the mug. "I don't know. I think she slept in. I'm sure she'll text me her apologies later. Anyway how come everyone's here?" 

"Because," Alejandro said through a mouthful of waffle, "Myself, Gerard and Tom thought it would be nice to have a family breakfast to start the year out right." Kathy, Sinu and Pops all laughed. "You can guess which side of the family thought that." Pops chuckled sipping his orange juice. 

Camila nodded and took a bite of her pancake. "Kathy these are great." Sinu dropped her fork offended. "I made them." Camila paused her fork and turned worried to Sinu. "You made them?" she slowly dropped her fork back to her plate. Everyone laughed. "Of course I didn't make them" Sinu laughed nudging Camila. Camila let out a dramatic sigh of relief and continued eating. 

It wasn't the worst start to her senior year. 

Camila finished brushing her teeth and was rinsing with mouth wash when Zayn nagged on the door. "Cabello hurry the fuck up! We have to get there before the bus because I wanna put flowers in Caitlyn's locker." 

"Calm down Casanova! I'm coming." She replied exiting bathroom and shoving him toward the door. "Okay princesses have a good first day. Knock 'em dead okay." Alejandro said as planted a kiss on her head, then Sofi's before he headed toward the fields. 

Sinu hugged each child before she allowed Sofi to hop into Zayn's truck. She held Camila back for a moment. "Yeah?" Camila asked sensing Zayn's urgency behind the wheel. "I just want you to know I'm so happy we're back in a good place. And know I love you so much darling and I'm incredibly proud of you." Sinu tucked a strand of hair behind Camila's ear as her eyes were slightly glistened. 

Camila bit her lip in an attempt to control her emotions. She had waited so long for her mom to make breakfast and wish her luck on her first day of school. It hadn't happened since she was little kid. 

"Thanks Mom." Camila said softly pulling Sinu into a hug. "I love you too." She whispered before pulling away and inhaling deeply. "Okay see you later Mom." 

"Bye baby." Sinu stood beside Kathy as they waved the truck on its journey. 

Shutting the truck door Camila watched Sofi and Chris walk the opposite way across the parking lot towards the middle school. Chris was carrying Sofi's extra books in one arm while holding her hand with his other. 

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