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Persistent knocking at the door woke her. The tapping was soft but irritating. 

"Come in." Camila grumbled unmoving. She was comfortable, unbelievably so. She lay on her back with Normani curled into her side. She had one arm under her head the other wrapped around Normani. 

The door creaked open and feet shuffled toward the bed. Peering through one eye cautiously Camila was relieved to see Sofi standing awkwardly beside her. "Hey babygirl." Camila's voice was hoarse from a combination of last night's alcohol and tears. 

"Hi. Dad said I better wake you now or else you won't sleep tonight." Sofi explained staring down at her hands. Normani moved to glance up at Sofi before snuggling back into Dani's side. She yawned and muttered "Morning sweetie."

"Morning babe." Camila replied her gaze not moving from her younger sister. Normani snickered before she sat up. "I was actually talking to Sofi." 

Sofi laughed while Camila rolled her eyes. "What time is it?" Normani asked glancing around. "Three o' clock. Kathy, Tom, Zayn and Chris are coming over for a barbeque in a while so I recommend you get up. " Sofi replied her gaze reverting to her palms. 

"Well in that case I'm going to get dressed and grab some coffee." Normani said climbing down from the bed and strutting over to the door. Camila watched how Normani's bare legs glistened in the sun light streaming through the window. Damn girl was smoking hot. 

Sofi cleared her throat and Camila looked up. She had been caught checking her girlfriend out. Camila simply smirked at her sister who too had mastered the eye roll. 

"Mm.. is it okay if I borrow some more of your clothes?" Normani asked pulling the hem of her t-shirt down in an effort to cover her underwear. 

"Yeah sure, take anything you want." Camila smiled propping herself up on her pillows. "Mom and Ger are gone out so Camila's room is free." Sofi said warily looking at Camila. Camila forced a smile and nodded to the door. Normani winked at her and then exited leaving Camila and Sofi to talk. 

Shuffling over to cold side of the bed Camila motioned for Sofi to sit down. Once Sofi had complied with her wish she engulfed her in a hug. "I'm so sorry you saw that last night. You should've never been put in that situation and I feel awful about it." Camila apologised clutching her sister close. 

"It's not your fault. You and Mom don't get along and she's not treated you the best, I get it Camila, I really do." Sofi related hugging her sister back. 

"So are you nervous about seeing Chris?" Camila asked absentmindedly playing with Sofi's hair. "Yeah. I kind of freaked out on him last night so no doubt he'll want to know what happened." Sofi sighed. 

Camila paused for a moment and then replied "You have three options. The first and probably the best one, tell the truth. He's your best friend, honesty is the best policy. The second option is to make up some excuse or lie and hope he just forgets about it."

"And my third option?" Sofi asked jumping off the bed and walking to the door, followed closely by her sister. Camila shrugged leading the way down the hall proclaiming "Say you're PMSing." 

Normani sat on the porch swing enjoying the warm breeze that flowed over her bare legs. She had grabbed a pair of black shorts from Camila's wardrobe and light coloured denim shirt, to which she rolled the sleeves. 

The screen door opened and Alejandro stepped out in a clean pair of jeans and short sleeved white shirt. "Hey there darling." He said taking a seat by her side. She smiled sweetly and greeted him with a quiet "Hi." 

"So Normani when I talked to your Grandmother about you staying here for the summer she mentioned how you were a pretty smart kid." Alejandro informed her gazing out his farm, a look of pride. "Well my grades are okay..." Normani said watchfully unsure to where this was going. 

Counting Stars // Normila Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant