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It's crazy how some people have their life mapped out. How they know what career they want, what college they'll go to,hat career they want, what college theyll how and when they'll settle down with their soul mate. Normani Hamilton always envied those people. She always craved that illusive stability. 

That was until she met Camila Cabello. 

When Camila suddenly appeared into her life spontaneity was no longer to be feared, it was to be embraced. If she hadn't agreed with her grandmother to leave the city for one summer she wouldn't have met Camila. If she hadn't gone to the barn that night she wouldn't have kissed Camila. If she hadn't followed her down the fields they wouldn't have begun this crazy relationship. 

If she hadn't fallen in love with Camila she wouldn't be sobbing alone on a tree trunk in the middle of a cluster of trees, at the edge of a crowded field in Alabama. 

Her beer was empty. She wasn't too fond of beer but she was displeased she had no more alcohol. 

She hated Karla Cabello. 

The moment she let that thought run through her mind she felt sick. It was a blatant lie. She was undeniably, incorrigibly in love with her. It was terrifying. Never in her life had anyone made her feel like this. She was hopeless, irrefutably lost, unarguably distraught. Camila had lied. 

"Normani!" it was a male voice. 

She didn't respond. She stayed stock still. 

"Normani!" Another shout, closer this time. The figure came into view. It was Zayn. 

"There you are." He sighed in relief immediately tapping at his phone. "Go away." She muttered avoiding eye contact. No doubt her mascara was everywhere. She didn't want to think about it. 

"Yeah that's not going to happen. Camila's freaking out right now. She's really worried." Zayn informed her leaning against tree at the brink of the clearing. "Zayn if I'm being honest I don't really give a fuck about her right now." Normani retorted kneading the palms of her hands into her eyes. She must not cry again, she must suppress the oncoming of tears. 

There was silence for nearly a full minutes and then footsteps. Finally he got the message. 

"You want me to stay?" Normani glanced up at Zayn's voice. Camila was stood beside Zayn now, her hair was tousled and her cheeks were flushed. "No it's fine." Camila assured him rubbing his back as he passed. 

Normani stared down at her feet waiting for Camila to yammer some excuse but there was only stillness. Normani finally glimpsed up. Camila had taken Zayn's place. She was staring at Normani chewing her inner cheek, appearing to be going through a large internal dilemma. 

"You lied to me." Normani finally managed to choke out. "I trusted you and you lied to me." 

Camila at least had the decency to look away fiddling with her thumbs for a moment before clearing her throat. "You're right. I did lie to you. I broke your trust. But I never did it to hurt you. The opposite in fact. I never told you the truth because the lie simply made you feel better." 

Normani looked at her disgusted. "It was still a fucking lie Camila. You know how hard all this shit is for me!" she signalled to an invisible bond between them. 

"I know Normani. I didn't mean to hurt you. Would you have preferred after we had sex for the first time I turned to you and said by the way I fuck my ex Taylor all the time?!" Camila argued running a hand through her hair. She knew she had messed up. The minute she hadn't corrected Normani that night she knew she would regret it. 

Counting Stars // Normila Where stories live. Discover now