Thought Ten. - A Lullaby of sorts.

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                                       "Maybe... you'll fall in love with me all over again."

                  "Hell," I said, "I love you enough now. What do you want to do? Ruin me?"

                                                         "Yes. I want to ruin you."

                                         "Good," I said. "That's what I want too."

                                       -Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms.


I sit on the grass, a few feet away from the dangling branches of the willow tree.

After storming out on Neven, I had decided to make the treck to the willow and wait for night to come. 

Wait for Jones. 

I need this time alone. 

Remembering the time Neven and I had been at the willow, I walk over to it and pull one of the branches, that is enveloped by long swaying leaves, to the side. 

Going inside the tree, I am once again amazed by it's beauty and generous amount of space. 

Let's see what a leaf will have to show me this time. 

I don't have anything better to do, do I?

I look up and put all of my mental strength and focus into one leaf. 

In return, it illuminates, like last time.

Suddenly my view is filled with a starry night, and the willow stands tall and strong, like it does today. 

There is a woman walking around the tree with her hand outstretched, letting her fingers brush up against the tree's leaves. 

She moves so delicately, so entrancingly. 

She is tall, and of course she is beautiful. Pale. 

The moonlight dances off of her skin, making her shine; almost. 

Her hair is jet black, gently blowing as the slightest bit of wind caresses each strand, and flows down to her small hips. 

I notice how enchanting her voice is, as she sings. Her voice, sending shivers down my spine. 

Leaving goosebumps on my arms. 

She sings to nobody; but herself. 

"A dark night, for a dark fellow.

He runs through life without a clue.

The stars watch over, slightly grinning.

He keeps on running, as if on cue.

As if on cue. 

Despair and sorrow, a debt to pay. 

He pays it daily, 

to his dismay. 

A girl of white, 

pure of soul. 

Will be the one, 

to complete him. 

Complete him whole."

She continues to hypnotize me with her intoxicating voice. 

I could listen to her all night. 

But of course, I'm not really here. 

This has all, already happened before. 

"Embrie!" A male voice. 

Startled, she quits singing and snaps her head around looking for whoever the voice belongs to. 

Everything begins to get misty as Embrie makes her way towards a tall manly figure. 

I can't see his face, and I can barely see anything anymore. The mist has turned into fog, and it is thick. 

Swallowing everything up. 

I'm being thrown out. 

Thrown out of the memory. 

Snapping out of it, I peel my eyes away from the leaf, and walk towards the way I had come in. Leaving the tree's embrace, I look around. 

Embrie's voice still haunting my thoughts. 

It's not as sunny out anymore, the sun is sure to be setting soon, and everything is silent. 

I'm surprised Neven hasn't come looking for me yet. 

But I'm also glad that he hasn't. 

He will see me in two days. 

He can deal. 

Going back to my spot on the grass a few feet away from the willow, I imagine the girl; Embrie. As she walks around the tree, singing her beautiful, sad song. 

Thinking about the story that lies beneath the lyrics, I lay down on my back, arms at my sides, and find myself drifting away. 


Hey guys! I know it's short, but the next chapter will be longer, I SWEAR. =) 

If you liked this chapter please comment, and or vote if you really liked it :) 

Love you guys~ ! :)

Devoured Destiny (Completed, but being rewritten and edited.)Where stories live. Discover now