Chapter: 13

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I woke up the next morning with a night of good sleep. I felt fresh and happy as I got ready for school. The purse I took to the wedding was sitting on my bedside table. I grabbed the number Demetri had given and called. I had the perfect idea to solve the mystery of them.

"Hello?" A voice answered. It was him.

"How fast can you get to my house?" I asked.

"In 5 minutes." I could hear him smiling. "See you then."

With that, he cut off the phone. I remembered I hadn't told him my address. I went to have some breakfast not dwelling on the thought because for all I knew the Cullens, Denalis, Felix and Demetri could be a part of Hogwarts or mutants.

When my mom heard about Demetri coming over she looked happy. Although, she asked about Seth.

"Seth is still my boyfriend," I said eating my toast. "I am just hanging out with Demetri."

As soon as I finished my sentence, I heard a car horn outside.

"And he is here," I said getting up and grabbing my bag. "Bye, mom."

My toast was still at my hand as I walked out. Sure enough, Demetri was leaning against his black Mercedes Benz. He wore a simple grey shirt with dark blue jeans and a pair of loafers. Yesterday he looked like a prince, today he looked like a model.

"My lady," he said as he opened the front door for me.

I bowed down as I was chewing and got in.

"Where are we going?" he asked after starting the car.

"To Forks high school," I said. "I need to drop off my medical certificate. Then we will go somewhere. I don't know where though."

"Sounds like a plan," he said. "What about your boyfriend?"

"What about him?" I asked. I knew he was at either at school or patrolling through the forest.

"You are driving around the town with a complete stranger," he said looking amused.

"He will understand," I said. "I am just hanging out with a friend of mine." He didn't say anything, so I spoke again. "Where are you from?"


"Wow," I said.

"What?" he asked glancing at me.

"It's just, it's one of my favourite places in the world."

He smiled. "I will take you to visit."

"Fun. What about your family? The way you dress, your manners and everything, I have to ask, are you a prince?"

"Well," he mumbled. "I do come from a royal family but not a prince."

I wasn't even surprised. After my boyfriend turned out to be a werewolf, I had gotten used to the weird facts.

The school came into view. I told him to wait at the parking lot. I found people staring at me and the car. The car had black tinted windows so they couldn't see him.

I dropped off the medical certificate and came out as quickly as I could. I found Demetri leaning against his car and people were still staring. I smirked and walked up to him.

"People are staring at you," I said.

"No," he said looking amused by this. "They are staring at us. I heard a guy hoping I am not your boyfriend. They don't know about that Seth guy?"

"I had told them I had one but they never saw him," I shrugged. "That's why they are probably wondering if it's you."

He laughed and put his arm around me. "Then I am going to let them believe that." He kissed on my forehead.

I froze and closed my eyes. He was cold, but I liked it. As much as I liked Seth, I still had to admit that there was something about Demetri. I could not resist him. I opened my eyes. He was staring down at me with a soft smile. I big my nails in my palm to focus and moved away from him. People were still looking at us when we drove off to a coffee shop for a drink. Demetri didn't get anything. But I knew he was like the Cullens so I didn't question him. We went to the park, to sit and talk.

"Where is Felix?" I asked.

"He went home. We were supposed to go back to Italy immediately after the wedding."

"But you stayed," I pointed out.

"I had to call and make sure of it. My ma...boss told Felix can take care of stuff. For now."

"Why did you stay?" I asked.

"I have my reason," he said and looked at me.

"Oh." I decided to change the topic. "How old are you?".

"Umm...twenty. Why?"

I felt guilty even talking about it too loud. Still, I had to. I remembered the conversation.

"Well, if I was single, even then you were too old for me anyway," I said with a straight face.

He turned and looked at me. "So you do want to be with me."

I blushed. "I don't know yet." Suddenly my phone rang. It was Seth. Guilt washed over me again. I excused myself and picked up the call.

Where are you?
Out with a friend. Why?
Which friend?
A friend I met at the wedding.
Come to the Cullens as soon as you can.
What's going on, Seth?
Just come.
Okay. Okay. Bye.
See you soon.

The urgency in his voice scared me. I told that to Demetri and soon enough we were on the way. When we got there, every Cullen was there including Carlisle along with Seth and Jacob.

"That's your friend?" Seth looked like he was ready to rip Demetri's head off.

"Back off, mutt," Demetri said.

"Please guys," I said standing between them and tried to push them off of each other but they didn't even buzz. I looked at Alice. "What's going on?"

"They are coming," she said in a panicked voice and the last time I heard that was when she saw Felix and Demetri were coming.

"It's them, isn't it?" I said as every piece of information was falling in place. "Aro, from the Volturi."

Everyone glanced at each other. Even Seth and Demetri were so surprised that they forgot they were trying to jump on each other a moment ago.

"And whoever the Volturi are, they are the higher power, royal family of your kind," I pointed at the Cullens. "Like Demetri said."

"He said what?" Rosalie stepped forward angrily but Carlisle told her to stop.

"Everyone is scared of them, for me because you guys aren't even human. And, I am one. I wasn't supposed to find out anything. Edward knew I was keeping tracks, so he warned you. You guys were being careful." I was loving the feeling at that moment as I was finally coming to conclusions. "Oh, you were good," I told the Cullens. "But then he came along," I pointed at Demetri. "He wasn't even supposed to stay, but he stayed because I am his mate. But I am human. Felix went and informed Aro. Now they are coming, maybe to take Demetri back or maybe to kill me." At that point, I realized I might die but then it hit me. "Oh no. Of course. I am an idiot. It was so obvious." I looked at Demetri and I knew my theory was correct. "You guys take protection under the sun. You guys don't eat human food. And you can't stand Seth, a werewolf," I looked at Demetri's blood red eyes. His contacts had melted. "You are vampires."

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