Chapter: 15

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Five new vampires joined us excluding Felix. All of their eyes were red and they wore black hooded cloaks. They dropped the hoods revealing their faces.

"Masters," Demetri said bowing down.

I mentally frowned. He told me he would protect, but I already lost some faith in him seeing him bow down.

"Demetri," the guy with long black hair said with a wicked smile. Then he looked at Carlisle. "Hello, old friend."

"Aro, it has been a long time," Carlisle said with a smile.

"Ah, my dear Alice," he said. "It's so good to see you."

She just gave him a nod.

"Master," Demetri said. "I did not know about your arrival."

"Do we need to answer to you about our decisions?" The guy beside Aro, spoke. He looked younger than Aro. His blonde hair was shorter, still it was almost falling over his shoulder.

"Caius," Aro said and Caius just shot him an annoyed look in exchange.

Aro looked at Demetri. "We were not sure, truth to be told. Consider this as a surprise visit. But..." He grinned at Alice. "I don't think it was a surprise. Was it my dear?"

"No," she said.

Aro seemed pleased. He looked back at Demetri. "May I?"

Demetri held out one of his hands and Aro cupped it in his. He closed his eyes. My mate glanced at me before focusing on his master again.

I looked at the other members of the Volturi. Caius was on one side of Aro and another man with light brown hair was on the other side. He was looking at Rosalie and Emmett but soon his eyes drifted to Esme and Carlisle. Beside him, was two thirteen or fourteen-year-old kids with very similar features except for their hair colour. The boy had black hair and the girl had blonde hair. The guy was looking at me and the girl was looking at the werewolves in disgust. Felix was looking at me. When our eyes met, he smirked. I quickly looked back to Demetri.

Aro finally opened his eyes and looked at me. "Interesting. Come forward, my dear."

I looked at Demetri who gave me a small nod. His eyes told me it was okay. I still needed assurance. I glanced at Alice who gave me a curt nod. I left Seth's side to stand in front of Aro.

"How can you stand so close to her?" he asked and glanced at Demetri. "Her blood sings to you, even I am feeling thirsty."

Demetri was fast. He stood beside me and took my hand in his. "Yes, master. That makes me want to protect her even more."

Aro cackled like he found it amusing that Demetri was trying to protect me. "Do not worry, young one. I am not going to hurt her." His red eyes bore into mine. "Hello, Alex."

"Hello, Aro," I said.

"You know who I am then," he gave me one of his smiles.

"I did not, until today," I said.

"So it seems," he said. "May I?" He held out his hand.

I gave him my free hand. He took it and closed his eyes. The touch was cold and I was already scared. A chill ran down through my spine. I was still holding Demetri's hand. I gripped it tighter and turned my head towards him. He looked a little scared too. I remembered how fast he had gotten beside me when Aro just mentioned about being thirsty. He was defying against his master directly, for me. It can end up with both of us being dead.

"Fascinating," Aro said and opened his eyes. "A human who is supposed to be a vampire's mate is not with him, but a werewolf."

"Consulting with werewolves is against the law," Caius pitched in looking at Carlisle. "Did you forget that?"

"They are my friends," I said trying to be as polite as possible. Caius did not scare me, it was just Aro. "They came here with me. And like Aro said, one of them is my boyfriend."

Caius glared at me but Aro put a hand before him. "I have seen it all. Right now, that does not concern us brother." He looked at me. "You have an amazing mind. You came to know about our kind on your own. Brilliant."

"On her own?" The girl asked looking surprised.

"Yes, Jane. About everything. Vampires. Volturi. About Edward and Alice's powers," he said.

It was a wrong time but I felt proud. I would have said Demetri helped me but I did not want him to get into trouble.

"Aro," I spoke.

"Yes, my child?" he asked curiously.

"Can I be honest?" I asked. Demetri gave my hand a small squeeze.

"Of course," Aro said. "You do not have to be afraid of me."

"Why are you here?" I asked and Caius shot me a glare. I flinched a little. "I am not trying to be rude. I just want you to know, you came all the way here from Italy."

"Well," Aro said and put his hand together interlocking. "Demetri had called us to inform he had found her mate and he would like to know her. He asked if he could stay. Of course, we asked him to bring you home but he surprised us by informing that you are still mortal. We have rules. We can't let humans go around after they have known our secrets. I am certain you know that already, considering we have faced this situation before." He looked at Alice. "Do you see her future?"

Alice shook her head. "I don't see it yet because she has not chosen between Seth and Demetri."

"She must choose," Aro said and looked at me. "It would be a pity if Demetri has to live alone, after all these years. Marcus?"

"It's an interesting situation. I agree on that," Marcus said. "There is a strong bond between the human and the mutt. But, the bond with Demetri is uncertain."

"That is because I met him yesterday," I said. "And I have a boyfriend. I came to know about this whole mate thing a few minutes ago. Of course, I am going to be uncertain."

"She has a good point," Marcus said.

"Then you can come with us and be with Demetri," Aro said. "You can know him at his home."

"Why not here?" I asked.

"We cannot risk it."

"Wait," Marcus said. "We can't take her. If she goes, then she won't be happy and will always blame Demetri. And, we can't execute her either because we might end up losing Demetri too."

Aro did not look happy. He was losing control and he wasn't liking it.

"Aro," I said. "You read my mind. You saw how long I had been dating Seth and still, my friends haven't even seen him. They certainly don't know about him being a werewolf. Even my mom does not. So I am begging you, give me some time. The Cullens, they mean a lot to me. I am never going to do or say anything to harm anyone of you. Take my hand and see my thoughts right now. But give me a chance to prove myself. You can execute me later if I don't keep my promise." I stopped and held out my hand.

Aro took it for a second and it was enough. "All right then." He looked at Carlisle. "Demetri would be staying here, for now."

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