Chapter: 4

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I loved the room. They just didn't paint it. They moved the furniture too. Alice called me to come back home and I brought Seth too. There was everyone. Bella, Edward, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper. According to what Seth said, Rosalie and Emmett were a couple and Alice and Jasper were too since they weren't actually blood-related. Seth went over to talk to Edward. My mom still wasn't home. I thanked everyone and they invited us over. Rosalie offered to ride my bike again and Alice went with her. Seth and I went with Jasper and Emmett. Edward and Bella were going to her house.

Seth was right. Emmett was tall and he got all the muscles. His black hair was cut short and he seemed sweet for such a big guy. Emmett had picked me up in a hug and twirled me around when we met. Jasper looked short beside him and his face was way leaner than his brothers. His hair was longer than them and blonde like Rosalie's. He had given me a smile and nodded just like his sister. Alice and Emmett were much alike, and so was Jasper and Rosalie.

"You seemed happy," Jasper said from the shotgun looking through the rear-view mirror.

"That I am," I said smiling.

"Is it because of us?" Emmett asked grinning.

"Yes," I said. "I can finally sleep in my own room." I looked at Seth and he knew I was thinking about us too.

He smiled and put his around my shoulder.

"Is she your..." Jasper paused and looked at us.

"My girlfriend," Seth answered and I blushed.

Jasper looked away with just a nod.

We stopped in front of a house located a little deep inside the forest. I gasped. It was the most beautiful architecture I had ever seen. With big glass panels and wood detailing, it was amazing.

Alice and Rosalie were already waiting for us.

Esme Cullen, Carlisle's wife hugged us once we were inside. She was so nice that I forgot I had just met her. She invited us to have dinner. Seth agreed instantly. I didn't want to but I thought it would be rude not to. I told her I would tell her after I call my mom. My mom told her to have dinner there since she was going to be late anyway. A patient had just gotten in, she was in bad shape. I told her to take care of her and I have Seth if it gets late.

Rosalie and Emmett had told us they were going on a date. Esme told us she would have dinner after Carlisle gets back. Alice and Jasper told us they will eat with their parents. My intuition told me otherwise. They weren't eating in front of us, just like yesterday. I noticed Rosalie and Emmett's eyes were darker than before. A shade of brown which was weird. I didn't know what to think of it except maybe they wore contacts. I decided to think about it later.

"I still can't believe you let Rosalie drive your bike," she said as Seth and I were eating.

I felt guilty. "I am sorry. If you don't want her to, then I won't."

All of them laughed.

"It's not that," Jasper said. "She just hadn't ridden in a long time. And she could've crashed it."

Alice gasped and looked at him. "She is a good driver."

"If you are comfortable enough to give her your bike, I don't mind," Esme assured me.

"Okay," I said eating my noodles. "And Jazz, Rose is an excellent driver."

"Giving nicknames already?" Jasper smirked.

I smirked. "Your names are too long."

"Its two syllables," he scoffed and scrunched his eyebrows.

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