Chapter: 33

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"I am honoured. But..." I looked back and motioned at my mom while mouthing Demetri at Bella. "...I have a life here and I can't go just like that." I looked back at Aro.

Aro looked at Demetri. "Do you have to say anything?"

"Whatever makes her happy is fine by me," he said looking at Aro.

Aro looked at me and then at Demetri, frowning. "You may go now."

I courtly nodded and all of us were walking back to Carlisle. We were halfway through when Edward gasped. He turned back to Aro and then a scream ripped through the air. I looked back to see Demetri writhing on the ice and Jane was looking at him.

"No," I screamed and tried to run but Emmett and Edward caught me. "Stop her," I said to Aro and Demetri let out another scream. "Jane, stop," I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Demetri stopped screaming. He was still lying on the ice and Jane was staring but her gift wasn't working.

"I had to see your gift and your love," Aro said tilting his head.

I wanted to rip his head off. And I wanted to call him a few things. But slowly Demetri stood up and looked at me, tumbling. I couldn't believe Aro did that to one of his own. If I could cry, I would've been already sobbing.

"Master," he said turning his head towards Aro. "Thank you for helping me to see what I needed most." Aro frowned. "I love Alex and I want to stay with her forever. And if she can't stay at Volterra, I can't stay at Volterra. Forgive me, masters."

"You are leaving us for a newborn?" Caius said angrily.

"The newborn is his mate," Marcus said and held Aro's hand. Aro looked at his brother and then at Demetri. I didn't like the way he was looking at him. And Demetri was all alone after he had decided to leave the Volturi. So I walked towards him and held his hand. Then we stepped back a little closer to Bella.

"So your bonding is the strongest one here," Aro said. "First you hate, then you love. Alex, you're such a mystery."

"It's no mystery, Aro," I said slightly pushing Demetri behind me. "I do hate him for leaving me but whatever he does he still belongs with me as much as I do to him." 

Edward gasped making us look at him. "Alice is here."

Aro's eyes sparkled liked after losing a pearl, he had found a ruby.

I heard the faint footsteps and looked towards the sound source. Alice and Jasper were coming. Once they were close enough, Jasper threw me a smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"My dear, Alice," Aro said. "How nice of you to join us."

I saw Aro was distracted, so I tugged Demetri's hand and stepped back a little, behind Seth and Emmett because I knew Aro was mad at me and Demetri. I could feel it in my guts and so it was safer to stay away from him. Sure, I was mad and will kill him if he tries to kill any of us, but he belongs to me. After becoming a vampire, I, too, understand the attraction. How much you hate each other, still you would stand up to others for them. I was also glad that Bella was protecting Demetri from Chelsea's power too.

Aro paid us no attention. When Alice and Jasper were close, Felix went and caught them along with two other guards.

"Aro," Edward said. "You see, there are no rules broken here."

"And I can show you the future," Alice said extending her hand. "I have seen it all. Let me."

Aro moved his fingers in motion to let her go. And so Alice moved away Felix's hand and Jasper smirked. Felix slapped Jasper and followed Alice to his master. Aro took her hand immediately and looked at her.

It took a couple of minutes before Aro let go of her hand. Did he look scared? I glanced at Edward who nodded at me slightly. I was shocked. What could have Alice shown Aro to make him scared? I guess I will know later.

Aro glanced at me, Edward and Bella.

"That's your future," Alice said. "Unless you set for another course."

"But we still don't know for sure if the child won't be a threat to us," Caius said.

Aro still looked dazed.

"What if we can know for sure?" Edward said. "What if there is proof?"

"Of course, no problem then," Caius said. "But that can not be known."

"Actually, it can," Edward said.

Alice turned and smiled at Edward like they shared a secret which they probably did, being a seer and a telepath.

And that's when we heard the faint bells and footsteps. Everyone turned to see two people coming towards us. They were olive skinned and black haired. The man was taller than the woman and he had a long braid. His eyes were brown unlike the women's. Her eyes were red. Every pair of eyes were on them. Us and the Volturi. 

"Who are you?" Aro asked as they came closer.

They stood near us and the man spoke. "I'm Nahuel and this is my aunt, Huilen. My father is a vampire and my mother was mortal. She died giving birth to me. So I made her immortal." He looked at the woman.

"And your diet?" Caius asked.

"Blood," he said. "Human food. I can survive on either."

"These children are so much like us," Marcus said and he was making me like him more.

Aro nodded at Marcus.

"How old are you?" Bella asked.

Nahuel turned to her. "One hundred and fifty years. I had grown for seven years after my birth and had been living since then."

"I see there are no laws broken here," Aro said. "The Cullens are innocent."

"But they had been consulting with our enemies," Caius hissed making Marcus and Aro look at him. Marcus looked liked he was annoyed with him and Aro looked like he just wanted Caius to shut up. So Aro just shook his head.

Then he looked at me and Demetri. "I will be very sorry to lose you, my dear. But there is nothing I can do when it comes to love. Go and stay with your mate, Demetri. And, Alex, my dear, do visit us."

I smiled politely. "Of course, we will. It's still his home."

Aro looked pleased with that and nodded. "Goodbye, my friends." The witnesses started walking away.

With one last look at us, Aro walked away with his brothers and the Guards too. 

Suddenly, the Romanians were in front of us. "So we get to kill this Volturi?" Vladimir said.

Before I could speak Demetri spoke. "Weren't you listening? I am not a Volturi anymore." With that, he pulled off his necklace.

"You were one, for a long time," Stefan said.

"Don't," Alice said. "Don't make Alex angry. It will end up badly."

They snarled at us and then looked at everyone. "You're all fools. If you think they forgave you then you're wrong."

"It's okay," Alice said. "I will know and I will call you when it really comes to fight."

One last disgusted look at us, they walked away too. 

Finally, I looked at Demetri and slapped him.

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