Chapter: 8

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My mom kept everyone away. She told me Seth and Alice asked if I was okay and she told them I was sleeping, which I was. She wanted to stay at night as her double shift, but Carlisle told her to go. He was going to be there and he would take care of me. My mom asked me personally if I was comfortable with him and I told her absolutely.

"How are you doing?" he asked after I had my dinner.

"Good," I said as he set my bed downwards. He started to puff my pillows.

"Are you supposed to do that?" I asked. "Isn't that a nurse's job?"

He smiled. "I can always make an exception for a friend."

I smiled and felt guilty because I did tell her daughter to leave me alone in front of him.

"Dr. Cullen," I said.

"Please, call me Carlisle."

"Carlisle, can you tell Alice that I am sorry?"

He smiled sadly and sat on the edge of my bed. "You don't have to be sorry for anything. You were in an accident."

"That doesn't mean I can go around being rude to people."

"Look," he put a hand on mine. It was so cold that I shivered. If he noticed that, then he didn't show or move it away. "What I meant was you are under a lot of medicine and just woken up from the accident, anything you did or said, no one is going to hold it over your head. Alice came and I can assure you that she did not mind."

I nodded and smiled. "Thank you."

He patted my hands. "Now get some sleep." He got up and turned a few dials of the morphine tube. "It should help you."

Next day, around I was leaving the hospital. Only Charlie and Carlisle were there along with my mother. I was supposed to use crutches because of my sprint leg. I felt ridiculous with that bandage over my leg and plaster on my left hand. I didn't know how I was supposed to go to the wedding without making a fool of myself.

I had requested specifically Jasper to drop my bridesmaid dress. I needed him to pass a message to Alice. Alice was the one who wouldn't know when to stop talking which I did not mind on the other circumstances. Rosalie wasn't close, yet there was a possibility she would keep me engaged to long conversations. Emmett would probably just joke around and I might snap. I did not trust myself on drugs. Jasper was the only one who was least close to me and closest to Alice. I wasn't feeling sociable at all, it was just a rehearsal for what to come in three days. Besides with my cast and bandage, I felt more comfortable dressing up in my house.

My mom was at work. She wanted to stay at home but I convinced her to go and I would have Jasper anyway. I told her I need someone to do some stuff and he was the least talkative.

I heard the doorbell ring. "Door's open."

It was Jasper. He came in with a large bag.

"Here's your dress," he said taking it out of the bag. It was in a transparent dress cover bag. "Wow."

"What?" I asked. "You are seeing it for the first time?"

He shrugged putting it back. "Alice won't let me see anything."

I laughed. "Sounds like her. Thank you so much for coming."

He smiled. "You're welcome. Where do you want me to put it?"

"My room would be nice," I said. Jasper nodded and turned but then I remembered the notes there. "Actually, give it here." He gave it to me and I pretended to see it, touch it, and feel it. "I forgot how it felt. Sit down. Don't just stand there."

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