Chapter: 10

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The cake was huge and I am not even exaggerating. It was a six-tier butterscotch cake with flowers and ribbons. Seth and I were wandering around looking at everything Alice and Esme had planned. It was beautiful and perfect. If I hadn't gotten myself in the accident, I could've been helpful. I did offer to help with the light work but Alice told me she needed me on my feet with my hands working on the wedding day. There were plenty of people to do the pre-wedding work. I didn't even bother to argue. No one wins an argument with Alice Cullen.

Alice had brought me to meet their cousins from Denali. Kate and Tanya. And their parents, Eleazar and Carmen. You could tell they shared the same gene from the skin colour and eyes- pale and amber. They had an accent but I couldn't place which one it was. They seemed like really nice people. I learned there was another cousin, Irina who didn't come because of some family drama. I didn't ask what it was about, not my place.

I excused myself from them when their school friends came to talk. I realized they were my seniors but I couldn't care less. I might have talked and gotten to know them a little better under different situations, but that's not happening at a wedding. I decided to get a drink.

I was too busy taking a glass of red wine from the table to notice someone had walked up behind me.


I looked around to find Demetri. From far, he had looked odd but from up close, he looked really handsome. His eyes were blue and his jawline was so sharp that you could cut yourself from touching.

"Yet again you are staring," he pointed out with a polite smile which made me blush.

"I am sorry," I said. "It's just I think you are fascinating."

He gave me an amused smile. "Then I am sure you won't have a problem with sharing a dance with me." He offered his hand.

"I would be honored," I said taking it. It was cold, just like the Cullens.

He gently put his hand around me without touching my cast. "I couldn't help but notice, you look beautiful," he said.

"Thank you," I said.

He twirled me once. "Also what happened to your arm?"

"I had an accident a week ago."

He frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine," I said and sighed gently. I didn't know this man yet I felt so safe with him. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I didn't know what was going on and I really didn't like not knowing.

"Excuse us."

My thoughts broke at Alice's voice. She was standing beside us with her partner, glaring at Demetri. I stepped away from him.

"Jasper," Demetri said letting me go. "Alice. Aro sends his regards that he couldn't come."

"It's all right," Jasper said.

" I see you had met Alex," Alice said gloomily.

Demetri looked at me. "Yes. She is a lovely lady."

I blushed and looked away.

"Yes, that she is," she said. "By the way, Seth is looking for you."

I mentally cringed. I should've danced my first dance with Seth, not Demetri.

"Who is Seth?" Demetri asked too quickly. What was that? Jealousy?

"Her boyfriend," Jasper said and I looked at Demetri.

"Oh," he said.

"It was lovely to meet you," I told him. "See you around."

He nodded and I walked away from them. I cursed myself mentally for dancing with him. I felt guilty. I quickly found Seth, he was with Edward and Bella.

"Where were you?" Seth asked and gave me a hug.

"Umm...just getting a punch," I mumbled and looked at Edward from the corner of my eyes.

He frowned. Of course, he knew about the dance. And maybe even about Alice's vision.

"Do you want to dance?" Seth asked causing me to look at him.

I nodded. It was nothing like Demetri's one. Demetri was delicate yet graceful but Seth was careful and passionate. After those cold touches, he felt warmer than ever. I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his hands around me. I sighed.

"This feels nice," he mumbled. "I can do it all day."

"Mm...hmm," I mumbled and as we swayed back and forth I looked at people.

Felix was standing there with Demetri and both of them were watching me. Felix looked curious and Demetri looked pissed. His eyes never left mine when he stepped forward and took one of Bella's friends for dancing. She looked thrilled but Demetri couldn't care less. She twirled her around but his eyes were on me.

"Alex," Seth's voice made me look at him. "It's time for toasts."

I nodded and followed Seth to the aisle. Suddenly the binding of my cast got untied. "Oh god," I said.

"Let's go back inside," Seth said. "I will help you."

"Actually you can go. I had done it alone every day. I can do it. Don't worry."

"You sure?"

I nodded and headed back inside the house. No one was in there. But I knew where Carlisle kept all the first aid. I went into the room, took the kit and went to the bathroom downstairs. I was pulling off the binding when it got stuck in my hair.

"Let me help."

I almost jumped at Demetri's voice.

"Thanks," I mumbled as he carefully took the bandage off of my hair.

"Here," he said putting it beside the kit. Together we started to make a temporary band.

"So, are you Edward's relative or something?" I asked.

"Yeah, you can say that," he said. "We are cousins, in a way."

I nodded.

"So you are a friend of Isabella?" he asked.

It took me a moment to realize that he was talking about Bella since no one called her with her full name.

"My mom is her dad's best friend," I said.

"And Edward's best man is your boyfriend," he noted.

I hadn't noticed we were done with the binding. His cold hand was resting on top of mine.

"Yeah," I said and moved my hand away. Seth was out there, I shouldn't be here with a stranger like this.

He took his hand back which made me look at his face. Something seemed different at first, I couldn't understand what but then realized his eyes were changing colour?

"Demetri." Rosalie burst in looking angry. "We told you," she hissed at him.

Demetri got up so quickly that I almost thought he had super speed. "You know I can't do what you are saying."

Jasper came in. "Alex, can you give us the room for a moment?"

I nodded and got up. I was about to clean up but Jasper said to let it be. On the way out, I left my phone on the recording.

I had to get my phone later, so I went to the kitchen instead of the wedding. I kicked off my heels and walked a little to get relaxed. Even those kitten heels were hurting my feet badly.

Soon, I saw Demetri stormed off from the bathroom. Rosalie and Jasper followed closely but instead of going to the wedding, they went upstairs. When I realized they were out of sight, I crept back into there, got my phone and left. And I hoped I got enough information to know about the mystery of Cullens.

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