Olympus at it's Finest

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We both knelt down to look at Rory.

"How could this have happened??" I yelled with anger.

"He looks like he was strangled first, then stabbed." Sonar said while examining Rory's listless body.

"He might've been a jerk, but he was still our friend." I suggested.

"Hades just won a small battle against us. Look at this." He motioned to a small "H" shape burnt into his chest armor.

"He might have won that battle, but we'll win the war." I said shaking my head.

"Well now is a good time for me to ask this. Would you come to Olympus to see The Twelve with me? We need their help. They summoned us last night."

"I'll go. What do we do about The Roman?"

"Put him in the freezer." He said pointing to our deep freeze.


"I'll explain later. Come on."

We grabbed Rory and placed him in the empty freezer. He looked blue. After shutting the freezer, we locked our lair and headed for the roof. We twisted through the staircase and climbed the ladder to the roof. The sky was grey but it wasn't right....

Above our lair was a hole in the clouds with golden light pouring from it.

"Should I be worried?" I asked with a little bit of fear.

"No worries are needed. They'll be happy to meet you." He said with a reassuring smile.

"Ok." I smiled back.

Sonar yelled his chant.


We raised our heads to sky. Both of us lifted one of our arms and we bolted into the air. My cape fluttered and flew out behind me.

When we landed on the golden street I thought I was going to faint from the beauty. Huge marble buildings with pearl columns glistened in the sunlight. Silver fountains poured with crystal waters, chariots with white horses from every direction were rolling on the golden brick streets. People in satin robes walked with baskets. Golden statues of each of The Twelve Olympians glistened with awe.

"We need to find the arena where they have their thrones." Sonar said.

"Where is it?"

"In the dead center."

We started down the road and weaved through the buildings. Sometimes we waved at people and even said hello.

Finally we arrived at a huge golden building with Greek letters carved on the columns and on the double golden doors. There were 50 marble steps that led to the covered area. We were greeted by guards in golden armor who led us inside.

What I saw next was astonishing.

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