Date Night

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I woke up with Tar curled into my chest. She was breathing softly. I kissed the top of her head. I hadn't realised quite how lost I felt without her.

I could hear my phone beeping from my coat. I gently slid out the bed and let Tar roll over. I padded quickly into the sitting room, rummaged in my pocket and answered my phone.


"Hi Mum."

"How's Tara?" I heard her smile.

"She's good thanks, still asleep."

"I'm glad you've patched things up. Invite her around for dinner tonight. I've missed her."

"Actually, I have something planned. Can we make it tomorrow night instead?" I spoke quietly so Tar wouldn't overhear.

"Course love. I'm off to work. Love you. See you later."

"Love you too, Mum." I ended the call and walked back into the bedroom.

Tar had her back to me. I saw the old scars on her back and I tensed up. I'm not sure that I would ever get used to seeing those scars.

I brought her close to me and kissed her neck. She mumbled slightly and I kissed her again.

"Hmm..Zeke?" She whispered.

"Yeah?" I ran my hand up her stomach gently.

She rolled over and nuzzled into my chest, "I have to go back to class today."

"Ok," I continued to move my hand up.

"No, I really do..." she trailed off as I kissed her again.

"I'll stop if you want me to?"

"Oh shush," Tar said. She pulled my face down and kissed me.



I pulled on jeans and put a hoodie on. Zeke was making coffee in the kitchen. I quickly tied my hair up and walked through.

"That smells amazing." I said as I took the cup from him.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Uh, nothing planned. Why?"

"Could you be ready for 7?" Zeke took a sip of coffee.

"Sure. Why?"

"I'm taking you out." He leaned over and kissed me on the lips.


"It's a surprise." He grinned at my facial expression.

"Hm, ok," I put the cup down and reached for my coat. "I better get back to the exhibition."

Zeke grabbed his keys, "I'll take you there."


I spent the rest of the day at the exhibition. There was still a steady flow of people walking through and looking at my pictures. I didn't need to do much, it was nice just to look at people's faces as they studied them and wonder what they were thinking.

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