Chapter 9

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**Authors note**

I AM SO SO SORRY THAT I HAVENT UPDATED! I got my laptop taken away so i had no means of writing. :( But its okay bc i got it back! If its not too much a hassle, everyone that reads, PLEASE post a comment with what you thought! I love you all! If i get enough reads, ill post faster.((:

Love you, my lovelies.(:

Now for the chapter. hehe

-Lyssa, xx

p.s SO SO SORRY its so short!

Chapter 9

“Rhiannon!?” A confused woman yelled out.  I never thought I would see this friend again, especially not with Harry Styles.

“Alyssa! What the heck are you doing here?” I say back. This whole thing is just rattling my brain.

“Well, all the boys wanted to meet up and Harry wanted me to come along! What about you??” Lyssa states in reply.

“I met Niall at a museum about 3 days back, long story.” I laugh. “He brought me here as a surprise to meet the guys.”

“Wait, you guys know each other?” Liam asked, speaking up for all the confused people in the room.

I looked to Lyssa to explain. She always seemed better at things like that. Talking and having full attention is definitely not one of my strong points. She understood the look and spoke up.

“Rhiannon and I have known each other since about 7th grade, I’d say. We were never really close when I live there but when I moved to Florida and discovered you guys, we started talking to each other. We got pretty close as friends but I guess time and life happened. We haven’t talked in about 3 or 4 years.” She said to everyone else then to me, “I wish we would have stayed in contact. I’ve missed you!”

She ran out to hug me and I returned it. Before I knew it, tears were filling me eyes. Gosh, I’ve missed her so much. She really helped me though a lot of hard times as a teenager. It was always our dream to meet the boys and it’s finally happened.

I look around the room at everyone’s still surprised faces. Niall’s was the first to break into a smile.

“Well, I get I still got the luck of the Irish!” He says with a wink and a laugh.

“Hey, Lyssie, are you and…” I trail off, getting my answer without having to finish. Harry had walked over and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Alyssa blushed and nodded already knowing what I was going to ask. We had always argued about whether the boys would like us and I had always told her he would completely fall for her. She never believed me.

“Let me be the first to say I told you so!” I jumped and did a little dance. Everyone laughed causing me to realize what a fool of myself I was making. Heck with it. I was in the same room with my idols and childhood friend. I could conquer the world!

10 Years Later.(One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now