Chapter 8

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They both looked at me in such a delighted way. Courtney got up and hugged me so hard. I was just clueless throughout the whole experience of my sister coming back from jail. Now I had realised on what Matt meant when he said something about him ‘coming clean’. He really must’ve loved her - which was utterly gross. I still needed to blurt the truth out somehow to Mum. I forcefully wiggled my way out of the suffocating group hug. They looked at me and were praising me. I didn’t need this much love from Courtney. It was already a surprise she was free from jail but now she loves me all of a sudden. Things just got really eerie in the house.

“What is the matter with you two? I mean I just come home after a really weird day and you two already try to squeeze me to death.” I stare at them but they look at each other smiling. They then turn to me.   

“I never thought that I would say this but you are the best things that’s ever happened in my life. You were the one who talked to Matt about him being selfish about not telling the truth. I know we’ve had our ups and downs but I’ll make it up to you. I’ll try and be the best sister you’ve ever dreamed of,” she says favourably. She was my blood though (actually my half-blood) but at least she admitted her mistakes in a nice way unlike my two-timing Dad. Mum leaves the room giving us space to talk and be friendly.

“Okay Courtney but don’t do these types of stuff again,” I say to her as I go hug her. She nods gracefully and I felt that the past was behind us. I still needed to tell her that she shouldn’t go out with Matt. “Courtney, I don’t think you and Matt should be together anymore. I mean you two don’t really suit to be honest,” I say anxiously. I wonder what her reaction was. She pulled me away from her and grasped my shoulders. It looked like she was about to give me an order that I should obey.

“You should know that me and Matt are soul mates. Without him I am nothing – NOTHING! I thought we would have put this stuff behind us. Stop bringing up this senseless thing because it seriously gets on my nerves. I know he was the one put me behind bars but I... love him. It’s just the way we work Ali. I actually love him more for admitting his faults. Honesty is the best thing in a relationship.”

“You can’t Courtney! You just can’t see him ever again!” I shout to her. She seemed so tensed that I said that. She breathes in and out really quickly. People only do that if they are really angry or upset. I had a feeling she was going to punch me.   

“What kind of a sister are you? I’d at least have thought you had my back on this but I’d never expect this from you. Even though we aren’t that close we should still respect other people’s decisions.”

“Oh my goodness how dumb are you? He’s... he’s... cheating on you!” I shriek. I couldn’t say that he was her half-brother because I still didn’t know how I could explain it.   

“He’s what?” She whispers so tenderly. I felt bad for saying that but at least half of the story was said now. How could I ever tell her the second half? “How did you see them? How did you find out? No... No he could never do this to me. He loves me. He said I was his heart.” She sulked a lot after that. I explained everything to her about the Barbie lookalike I saw and about me chasing him to an alley. I felt like this brought us together. She laughed when I was chasing him because she thought that was completely weird. At least she cheered up a bit. She started to speak after I had spoken for 10 minutes.

“Well I’ve had enough of Drama for today and thanks for telling me but I have to hear it from his mouth as well. I need to talk to him when I visit him in jail. I want to know the truth from his mouth and if he admits it I’ll try to forget about him. I know that you won’t lie about this because you are always go on and on about people being truthful. That’s one of the things I remember from your childhood.” I smiled but in an unsure way. I was hiding a huge thing from her. Courtney and Matt’s relationship should be completely destroyed now. There should be no existence between them at all. They were to be never spoken of again.

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