Chapter 3

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Her tears were pouring rapidly. There was no way in hell he could’ve been cheating on Mum. She should’ve heard what she was saying. Dad couldn’t have been this shallow to cheat on his pregnant wife. She was carrying his baby for crying out loud! He wasn’t that much a lowlife to do this.

“No Mum, he couldn’t have done this. Even if he did, which I think he didn’t, then how did you find out?”

“I’ll tell you but don’t tell anyone else Ali. Please don’t tell anyone.” She begged.

“Of course Mum, I’m not crazy or thick enough to do that,” I responded.

“I needed to call your father since my abdomen hurt me a great deal. Something might’ve been wrong with the baby so I called a bunch of times but he never seemed to answer. I called his office and his assistant picked up the phone.”

“His snooty chubby assistant or was it the dumb blonde?”

“Does that really matter?” She asked. I nodded reasonably. ”It was the fat chubby snooty assistant. Anyways, whilst I was asking where he was she gave me an address. She said ‘Mr Blake would like you to meet him at the Chamberlain Hotel. The room number is room 104 at 2pm. Oh and Miss Denney; he also has a sweet surprise for you. He told me to say that.’ I had never been that concerned ever. The assistant then hanged leaving me wordless. Why on earth did she call me Miss Denney? I had to find out what was happening. She must’ve mistake me for another woman for a meeting I figured. I still did not even think of him cheating on me.” She was repeatedly sniffing her nose.

“Mum, what happened after?”

“I asked the receptionist at the hotel to navigate me where the room was. She said that “I” as in the Denney woman, had already been given a key and “I” was already inside the room. I said my husband told me to come. She looked suspiciously at me but when I showed her proof that I was his wife, she gave the key to me. I had a weird look from her when I received the key. It wasn’t a suspicious look but a sympathy look. I was walking at a fast pace since my heart was pumping full of doubts. As I reached the door I put the key in the lock and turned the knob. As I went through I heard giggling from the shower room which was on my left. I opened the door slowly and saw women’s clothes and your Dad’s clothes on the floor beside me. I was h-hurt Ali. How could he do this to me? It was with his new co-worker Michelle as well. ” She cried again. How could she not?

“Oh Mum, we can get through this. I don’t like him anymore as I used to.” I knew Mum could exaggerate at times, but she never told a lie.

“I heard him saying he loves her. He was talking about leaving me. That was when I left the hotel betrayed by your father who I’ve been married to for the past 20 years. I can’t take this pressure anymore. I need to get out of here. Or I at least need to get a holiday to be free of this hellhole.” She panted.     

“He is leaving Mum, not you. I don’t care what you say but I am not losing you.” I spoke in a severe way. Dad was now dead to me. 

“I love you Ali,” She whispered.

“I love you too.”


There was a huge banging on the door. It must’ve been Dad because he couldn’t get in since Mum changed the locks after I came. Mum stayed in her position. As I get up she pulls me back down quickly so I don’t get involved. She instead gets up.

“Stay here till he leaves. Don’t move at all.” She says quietly. I nod tolerantly.

 As I hear her footsteps go downstairs I could not resist not eavesdropping. Everything was falling apart in our family what more badly could have happened if I was being snooping? It wasn’t as if my life was in danger. Although all the drama was going to happen right now, I figured that me, Mum, Ed and the future baby were going to be alright by ourselves. Courtney and Dad were the ones left out in this family. As I hear her open the door there was a big slam on the door being closed by an angry father.

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