Chapter 7

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I honestly don’t know what to expect nowadays other than backstabbing’s and twofaced people. Since when did those two get all cutesy all of a sudden? I didn’t hate Katie but at least she told me about this (which was quite confusing) unlike the one who-I-don’t-want-to-talk-to oreventhink-about. I stood there for a second watching them in shock but not dramatically as you would have expected from me. They were about to look so I quickly looked like I was jogging past them. Nate saw me go past.

“Hey Ali...w-what are you doing here at this time?” Nate asked me. Gulp was all I did for the past few seconds. Katie looked down because she felt embarrassed. I couldn’t blame her to be honest; she did ask me for my blessing – which is quite weird now that I look back at it.

“I was just doing my daily afterschool jogging. Ever since you took a g-gap year I couldn’t help but exercise at the park everyday afterschool. You know how much I love fitness don’t you?” I said whilst doing a fake laugh at the end.

“Not really...but it’s great to see you healthy and concerned about your diet. I hope you didn’t mind me and Katie...-” He paused for a second. I had to finish off his sentence so it wouldn’t get more awkward as it already was.

“Not at all Nate – seriously no way! You can date a ton of girls and I wouldn’t mind at all. I mean am I the jealous type? Look at me Nate because if you really think I am the girl who has feelings for you then you are way off! Like completely off!” I say this all whilst doing a fake laugh, again. I made a complete fool of myself in front of him. He just rose his eyebrows with a fake smile and laughed a bit whilst I was making a complete fool of myself.

“That’s really good t-to know Ali. I’m sure I wouldn’t mind you to go out with a ton of people. I mean not as in girls but you know – boys,” he says winking at the same time as well as being nervous. ”I mean you can get a ton of guys I reckon but... just be natural as you usually are – friend.” He does a light punch on my arm. It wasn’t really a punch but like a touch to show you they care.

“Look at the time right now. You two held me up. Now you guys can get comfortable again like you were a few minutes ago,” I say goofily.

 As I turn around I put my hand on my forehead for making an idiot out of myself. If I were Nate I’d consider myself crazy for the way I acted towards him.

 I wasn’t going to let this thing get in the way of me and Nate. I mean I saw the way he looked at me. As soon as I came he ditched Katie and completely forgot about her when he was chatting to me. He even kept eye contact with me for the whole time as I was talking to him. I want him but I might feel bad about Katie because she may be into him – really into him. After everything she’s done for me it seems a bit selfish of me to take him away from her. I just needed a plan or something to make him fall for me even more.

 I knew just what to do after thinking about it for half an hour. I just needed the right person. Who could be the one who is perfect for this? My thoughts were distracted with Mum coming through the front door laughing her socks off. There was a stranger near the door and that’s when I screamed my head off.

MUM! LOOK BEHIND YOU!” I shrieked so loud that the whole neighbourhood could even hear me. I thought he was a mugger or a hobo. I kept screaming until she took notice and squealed herself. That was when she turned around and saw who it was.

“You got me all frightened for no reason. What to do with you Alison?” She says with a fuss.

 What was her deal? I put my hand over my face thinking he’s a random guy from a pub that Mum would have liked to have a rebound with after her and Dad’s split. 

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