Chapter 1

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Isn’t it strange how one day you’re a normal unpopular girl at school but at the next second or so, your life goes from drab to fab? Well this may have not happened to you but it certainly has happened to me. I’m not necessarily popular but the new “Lucy” is.

 “Lucy” is an advice article thing we do for our weekly newspaper at school. Besides the boring definition of whom “Lucy” is (the one I’m telling you about), there was an interesting wanted sign a few weeks ago on the article (Since the old “ask Lucy” dropped out of it due to her failure as an advice person as she did not attract more students to read it). It was of course about being an advice person to those in need around the school. The article was called “ASK LUCY”.

 I’m anonymous so that’s a good thing since people don’t really like me. It is a bit harsh that they dislike me (a lot), but at least the bullying stopped. I decided it would be good to interact with the school newspaper since I pratically read it every day. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a loser but it really does have interesting ideas on the school. I cannot seem to figure out why people don’t read it.

 But here’s the funny thing, no one ever read it or even touched it before. Maybe a standard 5 people read it but other than that, it was unknown to everyone. It only became a trend when there was a new “Lucy” and that “Lucy” was me, funny isn’t it? I’m a trendsetter to the people who hate me or love me in my boring yet current “real” life and it feels really great.  

 Angie (my-best-out-of-all-the-rest-friend) says it won’t go on for long. I reckon she’s jealous because I’m the ONE everyone talks about during the day. Not only that but even at the evening they still talk about me on Facebook. She thinks I’m bonkers about me being just “Famous” at school – not anywhere else. Then again, maybe I will be famous around the world. I can already imagine me being the star and not just another one-hit-wonder.

  I let my imagination of being famous take me soaring through unimaginative places. Even my teachers call me “the one to watch.” I reckon they truly in their hearts meant that. But maybe I shouldn’t be complementing myself since bad things can happen to good people most of the time. Yikes!

   Although I didn’t say I wrote good things about people; especially about Taylor Denison (gulp). I bet you can already guess how her personality is. She’s (apparently) the most attractive girl at our school. A really smart student and is a straight-a student. I was just kidding; she’s as daft as a bat, but sincerely not forgetting that she is dating the MOST gorgeous boy I’ve ever laid eyes upon. I mean everyone has a crush on him... Everyone.

  His name is Drew, Drew Prince Danton. What a great name right? It’s simple, nice and cute. Even the boys think of him as their “King” except for Danny of course (we’ll get to him in a minute). It was the best way to say it though; King. Me and Angie had been crushing on him ever since preschool. It’s witty how we are both alike, but she says she’s done over crushing on him; I seriously doubt that! Every time he passes by with his new cute shades, she and I always and I mean ALWAYS, gaze at him as if we’re both obsessed with his charming looks. I am practically in love with him but I definitely think she likes him even more than me.  

 Danny (who I introduced you earlier but didn’t get to explain who he was) is my best friend’s brother (Angie). Me and him are cool friends – BUT JUST FRIEND’S. He asked me out before but I kindly said no as I wasn’t in the mood of having a relationship since Mum had a panic attack and was at the hospital for over 3 weeks.

 She thought she was going to die but she wasn’t. We did find out one happy surprise (which you’ll know later) though. It’s scary how everything changes so quickly and it either could be a nightmare or a real life tragedy. I didn’t include a happy ending because they don’t exist in reality – only if I date Drew then I’ll believe it.

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