Chapter 10

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Drew was beaming as if he won the lottery. It wasn’t like a proper lottery win (when you scream up and down) but like he finally won the “jackpot”. That sounded really strange considering I called myself a “jackpot”- in third person. He looked so cute – major cute! I still think he’s the same Drew but at the same time, I can’t resist not kissing his perfect lips. All I needed to know was an explanation on how he did the secret notes. 

“How did you do all the notes?” I asked suspiciously.

 For some reason, I still thought that this was a bad idea. We smooched a lot over these 2 days. I’m scared this may be going somewhere.

“You don’t know how much I’m falling for you. I can’t take you out of my mind. It was a very sweet kiss. Did I mention that we were making out for like 5 minutes... non-stop?” He scoffed.

 I just wanted to feel his lips again. What was I doing? He winked after and did the flirtation look with me. I loved it when he pouts. However, something was still wrong.

“I still have to think about it. It’s all too soon,” I say uneasily.

 He slicked his hair and did the “I understand look”.  I turn around because it was time to get out of here. Even though his puppy-face hurt me inside, it was the right thing to do.

 I slowly turn the knob to see if he was going to stop me from leaving. In a way I wanted him to stop me. To me this was like a test. To others... it may seem a bit desperate. I close the light leaving a romantic touch to the scene. As I open the door a bit, his hand stops me from leaving. He pulls me toward him as he strokes my hair gently. I felt his breath on my lips. He gives me a peck on the lips.

 He kisses me on my forehead leaving me to want him even more as he slowly backs away. I put both my hands on his neck and I kiss his gorgeous lips.  I had never been so vulnerable to kiss someone ever in my life. He follows my signal. He really did know his stuff in these types of situations.   

 We were making out for what seemed to be forever. It was at least 15 minutes. Those magical 15 minutes was the first time I was happy in weeks. I didn’t want us to stop. He got what he wanted. I wished for this moment ever since I was in middle school. What could possibly go wrong? I could tell he wanted more from me. I didn’t want to show him that he was in control.

 We were just doing the usual making out. His sweet savoury lips were my biggest weakness. As continued to kiss, light shined on us as if we were in the middle of a spotlight. Someone caught us kissing. I couldn’t see who it was but I saw a shadow figure standing there. It didn’t seem to move.

“Is that you Alison?” A familiar voice said.

 I stepped outside of the closet to find out who it was. Nate saw us kissing. He did a disappointed scoff as if expected this from me. He left the house. I ran after him. Drew grabs my hand as I decide to make a break for it.

“Stay here Alison, don’t go,” He sulks as was kissing the palm of my hand.

 I wanted to stay, but I needed to know why Nate walked off. I tell Drew that I’d be back whilst I set off looking for Nate. I run out onto the street seeing Nate walking by himself. I call his name repeatedly out loud. He still wasn’t turning around.     

“Nate, Come back here. Stop this stupid drama and listen to me!” I shout. He heard me. I was getting really angry now. “Can you stop acting like such a baby? Listen to me!” I scream.

 Now he looks at me and pauses. Nate was now walking towards me. His fists were clenched.

“You are calling me a baby? You are the one that is playing tongues with my cousin. I can’t believe I ever liked you. Maybe those rumours about you were right all along,” He says as his face gets maddened even more.

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