Chapter 2

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You didn’t quite catch my name earlier. My name is Alison but people usually call me Ali for short. Angie’s real name is Angela but what a complete bore that is! It’s my nickname for her. I like my name because it sounds as if I could be one of 007 (James Bond- A spy legend) girls - Alison Blake. Wow! It sounds so cool. I am not self-centred like Taylor but it’s good to love yourself.

 Me and Angie were traumatised by a furious Taylor today at lunchtime. It ended in an unfair decision. Here is what happened:

3 Hours Earlier

We were sitting in our usual space with the other nerds – not that we are anything like them but we felt sorry for them. It was Spaghetti Bolognese for lunch and it didn’t taste pleasant. Angie brought rice pudding with her because her Mum made it. Due to the smell of the pudding, I’d rather have school dinners. After we finished our lunch we still remained in the same place. Then a furious clicking of heels came towards our way. It was of course the “rude girl” in our school. Guess who it could’ve been.

“Excuse me but how dare you go out with Drew? It was just a day after we broke up and he asks you out? You better not be thinking about going out with him you short tramp!” She furiously shouted at me. It was amusing to me since she couldn’t pronounce her “s’” properly.

“You really scared me with your lisp. Oh no I’m so scared!” I chuckled so hard. It was quite mean of me but you would understand it in my point of view of what my life was like before.

“Shut up you one-legged tramp.” I looked at her in sympathy since she really was stupid.” You listen to me now ugly faced dwarf. You stay away from him or I will make your life a living hell. You got that?” I was very furious nevertheless offended. I never knew I was going to get in trouble for this but I did it anyway. I took a handful of spaghetti and put it down her shirt.

“It looks really great on you Taylor.” She was shrieking so loud.

“You little...” Before she could finish it off Angie came and poured rice pudding all over her face.

“She looks way better now Ali.” We both sniggered. It only lasted a few seconds until the she threw a cup of orange juice and spaghetti Bolognese over us.

“I won you little...” We never allowed her to finish off her sentence. That was what made her become more furious. She wanted to play a game. Oh I gave her a game. I took a pie from a student I barely knew and dumped her face on it. It really was the highlight of the day.

“Food fight!” A random classmate of mine shrieked. Everyone began throwing food that was until it was ruined a few minutes later.

“What’s going on over here?” A teacher close by shouted. Uh-oh I thought. Suspension I figured. Mr Dawn approached our way. He looked up and down on all three of us. We were the most ones splattered. “I want to know who started this and I want to know now.”  Taylor’s best friend Melissa spoke up.

“It was the freak Alison and her other freak-friend Angela. They started it.”

“I want all of you in my office now. You three come with me.”

 Now as you can tell, me and Angie got into big trouble. Phew! We did not get suspended but we did get a month’s detention every Friday at the end of the day.  Other than that we had to clean the cafeteria because “we” apparently ruined it by our irresponsible action of playing with food. The only punishment Taylor got was she had to clean the cafeteria with us since she threw food as well. The only bad thing was that me and Angie were separated from each other so we had to each clean up the cafeteria individually so there was no talking whatsoever. If that weren’t bad enough I was the only one who had to do an extension – scrape old used gum off the table. I knew that Mr Dawn didn’t like me, but I didn’t know why.

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