Chaper 11

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I woke up in the school’s infirmary with a blurred vision. I was slowly gaining my clear vision sight back. I felt a soft hand stroking my hair back and forth. The touch was soft and it was familiar. My sight was getting better by the second. Nate was beside me but he wasn’t stroking my hair. It was Drew. Of all the people who it could’ve been stroking my delicate hair, it was him!

“Get away from me,” I expressed. He looked shocked that I had done that. I didn’t have time for his stupid mind games.

“That’s kind of rude. How can anyone act rude to the person who saved your life?” Drew mumbles. I looked at Nate and he nodded. I just sigh after that.

“What do you want then? A reward?” I voiced.

“Well I don’t want anything from you right now,” Drew states. “You’ll know eventually.” He winks (when will he stop that?) and leaves coolly. Nate gets up and strolls towards me. 

“I hope you’re alright. You were right behind me and I didn’t even know you collapsed, some friend I am,” he sarcastically says. He sits beside me and touches the palm of my hand. I had to take my hand away from him. I folded both of my arms together.

“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do. I heard that you and Angie went out with each other. You were right in front of me with Angie. Of all the people it was her. What the hell were you doing with that stupid girl?” I yell. He just stares at me weirdly after I said that.   

“Calm down Ali, it was just before my gap year. Who knew you could be so critical. You are acting as if we are boyfriend and girlfriend already, Sheesh. I wonder what it will be like if I dated you,” He truthfully says.

“You are the one going out with every girl in school, don’t put this on me. I never thought you were the sly type,” I respond. He just does a sarcastic scoff after and sets out to leave. “I don’t need you anymore in my life. You can’t seriously be mad at me.”

“Whatever Ali, I just thought you were different. Even though I’m a year older than you, I’d never have thought you’d be this childish. You are 16! Start acting like one now,” He shouts.

 I threw a pillow at him and he leaves after that. I do a frustrated growl at myself. Someone comes through the door. I was hoping it was Nate who wanted to apologise for what he said. I didn’t want it to be Drew or anyone else. It was Angie walking through the door with a bunch of balloons saying “get better” and teddy bears.

“I come bearing gifts,” She gleefully says. I do a sarcastic “yay” because I wasn’t really in the mood for these types of stuff.

“Don’t be such a party-pooper. Just cheer up. It’s not like you died or anything so be proud of that! I think you overheard me and Nate’s conversation. You tend to faint occasionally when you hear a surprise,” Angie cautiously says. Who does she think she is? I hated her guts more than ever now.

“I’ve been getting surprises all year. If that really were the case then I’d probably be in coma,” I mutter rudely. She just rolled her eyebrows and changed the subject.

“Let’s just forget about it,” She quickly states.

“No, let’s keep talking about it,” I tensely say. She tries to distract me with the gifts she bought me but I just threw some of them out of my way. “Can you just spill the beans already?”

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