Chapter Twenty-Four

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It was another Death Day in the kingdom. This time, it was the kingdom's own Princess being hung. I took my place with the rest of the royal family on the raised platform and settled into my seat. The air was even more solemn than at Abraham's Death Day, everyone couldn't believe that their Princess Martha had intentionally hurt her brother, Prince Bennet.

My Benny.

I glanced at the empty chair to the right of me, my heart clenching at what Martha had done to us, to him. The four members of royal family were holding hands, their love for each other shining out on that dismal day. The Queen, who sat on the opposite side of the empty chair, reached a hand out to me. I took it, squeezing as I tried to share my strength with them. It was a hard day for all of us.

"I'm sorry I'm late," Bennet said, walking slowly across the platform.

"Bennet," his mother chastised, "you're still supposed to be in bed, resting."

"It is important that we are seen as a family unit right now," Bennet said, sitting slowly down in his chair. He turned to me, kissing my lips, "Hello, angel."

I smiled into our kiss, "Hi." He placed his left arm around my back, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm getting pretty good at this one-arm thing, aren't I?" Bennet said, tickling my side.

I stifled my giggles as I poked his side, "Stop! This is a serious day."

Apparently, the 'it' the nurse had spoken about, was removing Bennet's arm. They were able to take care of the poison in his shoulder by some fancy new medicine, but the damage done to his right arm was irreversible. He was still having some difficulty using his left arm for things, but he was getting the hang of it. Bennet had been worried that I would love him less since he was then deformed. I had wiped any doubt away with kisses and kind words until he finally accepted it himself.

"Citizens," the King began. "The reason we have gathered today is to witness the hanging of Princess Martha Jubilee Harmony Chamberlain." The crowd was silent as they listened to the King tell Martha's crimes. Bennet kept his hand wrapped tightly around mine as we listened as well, clenching it tighter with the King brought up what she had done to me.

I whispered, "I'm still here, don't worry."

"I will always worry about you," he looked down at me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The King finished and the executioner brought Martha out, who held her head high. She glared at all of us, but refused to say any words other than, "Everything is Amara's fault." She soon was hanging dead from the gallows.

We entered the castle again, where Bennet and I were staying for the time being. I had given a tearful goodbye to my new family, who returned to their home not to long after the hanging. They waited until Bennet was awake to leave, worried about leaving me alone. Bennet was ready to return to his home and Lordship, but his parents wanted to have him fully healed before he left.

We laid in bed that night, something we had done every night since he had awoken. He was combing my hair with his fingers and we just laid silently, staring into each other's eyes.

"Thank you," he said.

"For what?" I asked.

"Coming into my life," he answered and my cheeks flushed red.

"Thank you for saving me that day," I whispered back, as I leaned in for kiss. "I wouldn't be here without you."

After kissing for a while, we fell asleep, side-by-side, as two normal people in love would.

But we weren't just any normal people.

This Prince and Servant story would have a happy ending, like many of the others.

But, to me, it wasn't just happy.

It was perfect.

The End.


There may or may not be an epilogue after this, I haven't decided! I'll also change the name of the book to something more fitting, when I find the title I'm looking for.

Thanks for reading!



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