Chapter Sixteen

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Night fell and the cold food still untouched sat next to me on the side table. I sat up straight in bed, staring at the door, readying myself for the escape. My stomach rumbled, causing me to wince from the movement. My wraps had been changed by a servant earlier, since the previous ones had been soaked in blood. I had stolen a glance at the flesh beneath the wrap and saw the wrinkled and discolored skin before I turned away from the sight.

"Amara?" Olivia peered into the room before scurrying over to me. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," I answered, standing slowly. "What's the plan?"

"Mother and I were planning on leaving for home today," she quickly explained as she helped me into the blue dress given to me by Bennet. "We asked to leave under the cover of darkness to not yet alert the villagers of the Duke's crimes." I didn't miss the way she said 'Duke' instead of 'Father'. "You are coming with us."

"Alright," I answered as Olivia tied a ribbon around my waist.

"There are no guards outside," she explained as we approached the bedroom door. I didn't feel the need to ask why as we slipped into the shadowed hallway. I followed as she led, clearly knowing where we were heading. We slipped through the darkened kitchen to a rear door. I was nervous that we hadn't seen anyone while we were making our escape, as though it was too easy.

"Come on!" Olivia urged and I followed her into the night. We walked up to an ornate carriage, pulled by two brown horses, and Olivia gestured for me to get inside. "Hide in the shadows, Mother is stalling saying goodbye. I will return in a few moments with her and we will be off." I slipped into the carriage, before squeezing Olivia's hand. She took off back into the castle and I sat awkwardly shoved against the back of the carriage, trying to keep myself from being seen in the moonlight. I heard footsteps and I held my breath as the footsteps became louder. I clenched my eyes shut as I attempted to control the rapid beating of my heart.

"It's alright, Miss Amara," I heard a male voice whisper. "I am just the coachman and I have been informed if the plan."

I let out a sigh and quietly thanked him, before feeling the carriage sway slightly—an indication he had taken his seat. Loud voices were suddenly descending upon us and I once again held my breath.

"It is a shame you will not stay longer," I heard a womanly voice say.

"Oh, Katherine," I heard the Duchess' voice say and I realized it was the Queen who was speaking. I hadn't heard her voice until then. "You may visit anytime."

"I will," was the Queen's answer. I heard the sound of shuffling gowns and I assumed they had hugged.

"You be good, Liv," Bennet's voice penetrated the silence and my heart hammered in my chest. I cursed myself for being so pitiful as I heard Olivia answer Bennet.

"You be good too, Benny," she said, before bounding over to the carriage and opening the door. We made eye contact and she nodded imperceivably to me. "Goodbye!" The Duchess lifted Olivia into the carriage and climbed in after her. The door was closed before anyone could look in and the coachman snapped the reigns, causing the carriage to lurch forward violently. I relaxed and gathered Olivia into my arms as the Duchess watched our embrace.

"I am indebted to you, Amara," she said, placing a hand over her heart. "You kept her safe." She brightened as if remembering something, "I heard that His Highness Prince Bennet ordered the release of the alley-cats and has found them a place to live while they find work. The Prince is even helping them get clothed and fed."

"That's magnificent," I said, concealing the tears that threatened to fall. "They took care of Olivia and I when we needed it, it was time for us to repay the favor."

"He'll be a catch for a worthy woman someday," the Duchess said, her eyes glinting as she smiled lightly at me.

"Yes," I sighed, turning away to look out the window. "Yes, he will."


I awoke when the carriage came to a screeching halt.

"Madam, we have arrived," the coachman opened the door and Olivia jumped out, squealing. He helped the Duchess out next and I followed, staring at the manor that was my home for many years.

"Welcome home, darlings," the Duchess said, gripping Olivia's hand in her left and wrapping her right arm around mine. I smiled at her as we made our way up the walk to the front door. It was originally white, but the paint had slightly yellowed over the years. There was more moss than I remembered, and the garden seemed less colorful. As I surveyed the area, the Duchess leaded towards me to say, "Abraham didn't care for our garden or our home, he just wanted more money and more power. Now that I am the head of the household, everything will return to its former glory."

"That's wonderful, Duchess," I said, smiling largely back at her.

She shook her head with a smile on her face, "Please, call me Valencia, Amara. We have been through too much together for anything less than that."

"As you wish...Valencia," I replied, trying her name out on my tongue. "You have a beautiful name."

"As do you, darling, as do you," she answered, letting go of Olivia's hand to allow her to scramble up the steps and knock on the door. It was immediately answered by Harvey, the butler, who smiled broadly at Olivia.

"You are back, miss!" he exclaimed, crouching down to her level so they could hug. "It is wonderful to see you." We entered the manor hallway, Harvey closing the door behind us.

"Brothers, come quick! Livvy is back!" The eldest brother, Matthew yelled as he scooped her up into his arms. He smothered her in kisses as Arthur, the second oldest, and Vincent, the youngest brother ran up behind him. Although Vincent was the youngest he was still seven years older than Olivia. After they finished giving Olivia the attention I thought she deserved, they greeted their mother accordingly before turning to me.

"Amara?" Arthur glared at me. "Mother, what is Olivia's kidnapper doing in our home?" The three men descended upon me and I backed up in fear.

"Stop!" Valencia ordered and the brothers turned to glare at her, "She did not do any of those things. Your father lied, he did them. I sent Amara away with Olivia to protect her."

"You protected our Livvy?" Vincent said, turning to me, a grin widening on his face. "Oh, thank you, thank you!" The brothers pulled me into a group hug and each took turns kissing the back of my hand.

"I think that's enough," Olivia said, pulling their attention away from me.

"How about we head to bed, it is getting quite late," Valencia suggested and they headed up the steps. I was about to follow Harvey to the servants' quarters when Valencia called out to me, "Where are you going? Come with me, I have a room for you up here." I left Harvey as I followed the family up the stairs, shocked by her offer. Once I reached the top of the steps, I tried to reason with her that I belonged with the servants.

"Valencia, you are too kind, but I will return to my old duty as a servant."

She looked at me sternly, "Now, look here. You are now family, Olivia thinks of you like a sister, and therefore I look at you like a daughter. You will become a Lady of this household."

"That is not necessary," I began again, but she held up a hand to stop me.

"It is my decision and it has been made. Let me show you to your room," she then turned away and I hung my head, following her. I would try again in the morning, I told myself firmly. I am not Princess material, and I am not Lady material.

I am servant material and that was final. 

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