Chapter Six

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Bennet asked if we needed to get anything from the Alleyway and I nodded, leaving Hailey with him as I snuck away. She was already enamored by him—he was holding her and making her giggle and I smiled because it was the happiest I had seen her in a while.

I ran back to our hut and moved our blankets to pull out a small bag containing a locket I had owned for as long as I could remember. I distributed our blankets to those who needed them most, and instructed another child on handing the bread out the following day. I looked around at what I had considered home for so long and promised the children that clutched on to me that I would visit and bring them food when I could. Tears were in my eyes as I exited the Alleyway and caught up with Bennet. He saw the sadness in my eyes and clutched my hand with his free one, leading Hailey and I from the marketplace and to a carriage.

"Wow," Hailey's eyes grew big at the horses and the fancy carriage. "Are we riding in that?"

Bennet chuckled and helped her into the carriage, "Yes, angel." Hailey gently sat down on the velvet cushions, looking like she felt the same as I did waking up in Bennet's house. Before he could get in, I pulled him away from the door.

"I know you are just being kind, but I don't want Hailey to get used to this life," I looked down at the ground. "When you are done with us, please don't hurt her feelings too much."

Bennet placed a light hand on my arm and met my eyes, a small smile on his face, "Don't worry, I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon."

I blushed lightly, surprised at his tone, as he helped me into the carriage. He jumped in after me, and settled down next to Hailey. He pointed out landmarks to her and I smiled at how sweet he was being. We pulled into the neighborhood where he lived and Hailey was looking around in awe.

"My lordship," she said shyly, "do you live in one of those?"

"Call me Bennet, angel," he smiled down at her and then nodded. "Yes, I live in one. I think it's the prettiest one on the street," he whispered the last part to her and she giggled. We pulled in front of his house and Marie ran out to greet us.

"Ali! I'm so glad you're back," she gives me a light hug once I stepped from the carriage, and smiled at Bennet before seeing Hailey. "Who is this?"

Bennet answered for me, "She's Amara's friend. I invited her to come along."

"Amara?" Marie looked confused until Bennet gestured to me and she nodded in understanding. "Well, let's not stand out here in the cold, come on in!"

Marie held onto Hailey's hand and lead her into the large house. Bennet placed a light hand on my back and we followed them into the home. Marie gave Hailey a tour and I followed Bennet into the kitchen, as he quickly put together sandwiches for Hailey and I. Bennet carried them from the kitchen into the room I had slept in during my previous stay. Hailey was there, bouncing on her own small bed next to mine when we entered.

She was grinning happily and rushed over to Bennet, clutching his legs in a hug, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I took the sandwiches from him so he could reach down to return her hug.

"Of course! I really needed Amara, but you're just a bonus," he tweaked her cheek and lifted her to the window seat. I brought over the sandwiches and I showed her how to eat them.

She gobbled it up and looked at me with a grin on her face, "Will we get to eat like this every day?"

"I believe so, yes," I answered, giving her a big hug as she yawned. "I think maybe you could take a rest now." She nodded with her eyes half shut, and I carried her to her bed. Bennet came to stand beside me, and pulled the blanket up to her shoulders.

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