Chapter Twenty-One

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The rest of the week passed by excruciatingly slowly. Every day I had to pretend I was happy to be with Christopher when every night I dreamed of being back in Bennet's arms. As Death Day approached, as I learned it was called, Valencia and family were somber, yet ready for the next chapter of their life, without the abusive father and husband. Olivia had adjusted back into dukedom life easily, while I was still struggling with the fancy dresses and having a maid dedicated to helping me. Rosaline was wonderful, helping me understand what was expected. She would remind me that I would be using this information if I became Bennet's wife and each time I would pale.

I loved him, but marriage was still far from my mind.

Christopher on the other hand, had been planning every inch of our wedding. I had to keep him from sending our invitations out by saying that the Duke's hanging needed to come first. He had relented, but had a stack of envelopes with addresses sitting beside the door for the postman, for the day we returned. Valencia had been brought in on the plan, but Olivia remained in the dark. And she never stopped reminding me that Bennet and I were supposed to be together.

"But, Amara!" Olivia whined, shaking my leg. "Christopher is a meanie, Bennet is a prince. The prince of your dreams!"

Christopher growled at her and I hugged her to my side as we stared wide-eyed at Christopher. "She is with me now, pipsqueak. Get over it."

"But," she whimpered and he glared at her. I shushed her quietly, glaring back at Christopher as I pulled her into her room. She started to tear up, and before long was sobbing in my arms. "He...he..."

"I know, sweetheart, I know," I hugged and rocked her back and forth.

"Benny would never talk to me like that," she cried into my gown.

"He wouldn't, would he?" I whispered quietly, all the more determined to get Christopher out of my life. Her sobs soon subsided and she quickly fell asleep. I tucked her into bed and slipped out of her room. I almost had escaped back to mine when I was pressed against a wall with Christopher's nose in my hair.

"How about tonight, petal? Will we sleep together?" He pressed his lips into my neck, sucking on it lightly. I shivered as his cold lips continued to press against my neck, "Or at least a kiss on the lips?" His lips made a trail up to my face as he stared into my eyes, lust the only emotion in his eyes.

"Not until—" I said to stop him, but his lust-filled eyes turned dark.

"The wedding. I know," his hands tightened their grips on my arms. He then pushed me away from him and I fell on the ground. I cowered as he stood over me, memories of the Duke flashing before my eyes. He glared at me before turning and stalking away, saying over his shoulder, "I cannot wait until we are married and you will have to do as I say."

Once he was out of my sight, I stood on shaky legs and entered my room. A bath was drawn, so I hurriedly took off my gown and deposited it in the corner. I scrubbed my skin as I tried to wipe away the newly forming red finger marks on my arms. I then clambered from the tub when the water turned cold, and pulled a nightgown over my head. I laid down in bed. The next day we were headed back to the castle.

And I couldn't have been readier.

I awoke before dawn when Rosaline came into my room to help me prepare for the day. I chose a modest gown of dark green, and Rosaline pinned my hair back from my face, allowing the rest of my hair to cascade down my back. Christopher met me outside my room, forcibly escorting me to our carriage.

"How about you ride with us, Christopher?" Matthew insisted, and my other two brothers voiced their agreement. I shot them a grateful look, before climbing into the carriage with Valencia and Olivia.

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