Chapter Nine

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I cringed away from him as he stood up, his anger emanating off him in waves. He began to pace the floor in front of me, blocking the door. My eyes darted between him and the door, judging how quickly I could run out. I had to catch the carriage and get Hailey back, Bennet knew where she was. I wouldn't let him return her to the Duke. He suddenly turned towards me, and watched my eyes dart to the door, his own widening in realization.

"Oh, Amara," he started to walk towards me and I backed up against the wall, my heartbeat increasing with each step he took towards me. "I don't want to send you back to my uncle. I'm mad at him, not you."

"Really?" My voice shook, and he nodded. I stepped toward him tentatively and he reached a hand out to me that I took lightly. He pulled me into his body, wrapping his arms around me. I gasped in surprise, before lightly returning his hug.

"I won't let him get you or Hailey," he whispered in my ear and I relaxed, believing him. I pulled away, smiling up at him.

"Okay," I answered and Bennet grasped my hand and pulled me from the room.

"I want to show you something," he said over his shoulder as walked down the stairs, Bennet never letting go of my hand. He brought me to the kitchen and I looked at him unsurprised. "It's not this, silly." He flicked my nose and I giggled. He turned to the pantry, and pulled me in with him, closing the door behind us. We were squished up against each other, and the feel in the air was different from the hug. I felt his hot breath on my face, and my hands were on his chest, feeling his increase in heartbeat, matching my own. His hand reached up, and my breath caught, thinking he was going to touch my face. He ended up reaching past me, to the wall, pressing on it. That's when surprise registered on my face. The back wall of the pantry turned slightly, allowing Bennet to pull it open with his fingers. He let me in first, since the opening was only enough for one person. I stopped right inside the door, my jaw nearly dropping. Bennet placed his hands on my back to scoot me into the room, so he too could come it.

"What do you think?" he smirked at me and I turned to him, my eyes dancing. There were a small set of stairs in front of me that led downward and sitting below that was what looked like a bedroom. It contained two twin beds, a bathroom, and a small kitchen area. "I keep this here in case something happens where I need to hide out." Bennet pushed me lightly so I would start descending the stairs, and he followed me, bouncing over to the kitchen. "I have enough food in here for a couple days. Granted, it is all packaged food, but good nonetheless." He pulled open the fridge and cabinets to show me. He turned to me, a big smile on his face, "And now I'm sharing it with you. When the Guardians return, you can hide out here. I will tap on the panel twice, pause, and then three times, to let you know when it is safe to come back out."

"Thank you," I whispered, taking in the room. "I don't know what else to say."

He stepped over to me, "A thank you is plenty. I care about you, Amara," he said, brushing a hair from my face, "I don't want you going back to him." I blushed under his attention and stepped away to jump on to the bed.

"This is comfortable," I said, lying on my stomach. I turned over to see Bennet looking at me intensely, and I realized my skirt had ridden up slightly, showing most of my thigh. I quickly pulled it back to a respectable length, but was surprised that I hadn't felt uncomfortable under his gaze. I stood up, as I saw the tips of Bennet's ears turn red, seeming embarrassed by his actions. We then took our leave, Bennet pulling the secret door closed before we exited the pantry. At this time, Charlotte was in the kitchen, making lunch. Her eyes widened when we exited the pantry together and she winked at me, causing me to blush. Bennet squeezed my shoulder before leaving me alone with Charlotte.

"So you and him, huh?" she bumped my hip with her own, my face heating up again for the umpteenth time that day.

"No-o," I stuttered, stirring the pot as Charlotte added some spices. She gave me a knowing look, and I answered more confidently, "Bennet doesn't like me like that. He just wants what's best for Hailey and I."

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