Chapter Eighteen

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"But, he doesn't believe me, Valencia," I said, my tears drying as my head began to ache. "He chose to believe Martha over me." I instinctively placed a hand over my stomach, my wound continuing to heal. "She tried to kill me."

Valencia patted my hand, "Maybe he would now."

I shook my head and stared into the garden around me. Harvey ran up to us, clutching a letter in his hand, "Madam, a letter."

Harvey stood beside us as Valencia opened the letter. She scanned the contents, flipping through the two pages as a small note fell from her hand into my lap.

Amara was printed on the top and my hands shook as I opened it, thankful my time as a servant of a high household taught me to read.

Please come back to me, RaRa.

I hope you are safe with the Duchess, I am terrified that you have been harmed once again.

If you return, there is something I must ask you.

I hope to see you soon.


I clutched it in my hand, my heart beating faster. Valencia's face had a small smile as she finished her own note, "Abraham will be hung a week from now, his sentence will be posted throughout the kingdom tomorrow."

"Wo-wonderful," I stuttered, my thoughts still focused on the note. Valencia looked at my face before down to my hand and pulled the note out before I realized what was happening.

She read it, her smile growing huge, "Something to ask you?"

"What do you think that is?" I asked, my heart beating faster as I watched as her eyes lit up.

"You will have to return and find out. I plan on returning to the castle for the hanging," she said. "Would you like to join me?"

I hesitated, "Will you let me think about it?"

"Of course, darling," she said, standing and handing the letter to Harvey, but my note back to me. "But, you will know the right choice to make."

She left me in the wilted garden, staring at the empty fountain. I spent awhile, tottering back and forth in my thoughts, when Vincent came into view.

"Hi," he said, sitting beside me. Since he was closer, the dark circles seemed worse than before.

"If you don't mind me asking," I started, "why do you look so tired?"

He sighed, "Can I confide in you?"

"Of course, isn't that what siblings are for?" I smiled and he smiled back.

"Alright. I have been courting someone for a time now," he started, brushing his fingers across the stone we sat upon. "Her name is Lauren, and she is a maid from a Lord's home a little way from here."

"What is she like?"

He sighed again, a dreamy look came across his face, "She is more beautiful than a flower in bloom, wittier than anyone I have met, and the kindest."

"She sounds lovely," I smiled at him, but his face became troubled.

"I wish to marry her, but..." he trailed off.

"You can tell me, Vincent," I said, placing a hand over his.

"She doesn't know if her family will approve of me, our courting has been in secret. Mother knows, but Father never did, because he wouldn't have allowed me to be with 'scum' as he put it," his face contorted with anger. "Lauren is not scum."

"No, she isn't," I agreed and his anger subsided, replaced by sadness.

"I just don't know what to do," he put his face in his hands.

"You are going to tell her that you want to marry her," I said firmly. "Then you are going to meet her family and make the best impression you can. If she really loves you, she will make them see that."

"Do you think that she loves me?" He looked up hopefully.

I nodded, "I know that you love her, and she wouldn't have put time into your relationship if she didn't love you."

"Thank you," he stood, pulling me up and into his arms for a hug. "Thank you so much."

"Vinnie?" a female voice came from behind me as we ended our hug, Vincent tensing under my arms. I pulled away, turning around as the woman looked from me to Vincent and back again, before gathering up the skirt of her dress and running off, sobbing.

"Lauren!" Vincent ran after her and my chest tightened as I realized what it must've looked like to her to see a different, unknown woman in Vincent's arms.

"Oh, I do so hope Vincent can explain it to her," I said to myself as I made my way inside, feeling guilty.

"Amara! Come play!" Olivia yelled as I closed the door behind me.

"Coming!" I yelled back as I started making my way towards the playroom when a voice I never thought I'd hear again called out to me.

"Hello again, petal," Christopher said to me, pulling me into his chest and placing a small kiss on my forehead. "I missed you."

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