Chapter Ten

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I stumbled backward as the reality of it hit me. Lord Bennet was Prince Bennet, the reclusive second son who wished to stay out of the limelight. I remembered all of this from my time with the Duke. I slapped myself for not recognizing him earlier. Under the portrait there was something covered in a black cloth. I tentatively pulled it off and nearly fainted when I saw a crown covered in enough jewels to feed the Alleyway for decades.

"I see you've found my secret," I hear Bennet's voice from the doorway and turn to see his face.

"I'm so sorry, your highness, I didn't mean to," I curtsied low, my knees trembling as they rested just above the floor.

Bennet sighed, "Please, Amara, don't treat me any different."

"But," my eyes flickered to the crown again and he slapped his hand on the case.

"Amara!" he raised his voice and I backed away. "This crown," he spat, "is not who I am." He lowered his voice when he saw my frightened stance, "I left the castle and that life for a reason. My mother and father wouldn't let me leave without what they called 'basic necessities'." He gestured to the house around us, and I understood. They wouldn't let him leave without the title of Lord, a grandiose home, and a few servants. "They wanted the best for me, and they still do." He smiled at me sadly, "I do miss them, but for my own sanity, I had to leave."

I timidly asked, "So, why does the Princess owe you a favor?"

Bennet kept his smile, "Yes, Martha, the princess and my younger sister, stayed here for a couple years when she felt suffocated like me. Therefore, in turn for allowing her to stay here, I asked for favor to be put in her back pocket, should I ever need it. But, when she was encouraged to wed a prince from another kingdom, she luckily fell in love with him, and left."

"What happened then?" My curiosity peaked and Bennet chuckled, causing me to blush.

"She is currently at our palace here. The prince she married, Prince Jarrod, is from a kingdom across the sea. He is third in line for the throne, so as long as he isn't needed, they both decided to stay here. They are currently searching for a home," he explained. I nodded, since there didn't seem to be much else to say.

"I am sorry for snooping, sir," I said, still worried about the new title.

Bennet looked frustrated again, "It's Bennet, Amara. I won't have you call me anything else."

"Not even Benny?" I tentatively teased and he let out a hearty laugh.

"Only if I can call you, RaRa," he replied back, wrapping a hand around my waist and leading me from the room. I could feel the warmth of his palm through my dress and I blushed again.

"RaRa? That's a first," I said quietly as Bennet closed the door behind us.

"Think of it as my special nickname for you," he whispered in my ear, running a few fingers over my collarbone as he walked past. I stood in a daze until he turned and said, "You coming?"

"To do what?" I was able to shake myself from my stupor and bounced after him.

He smiled largely, "I got you something."

My face fell, "Not more gifts?"

"You'll like this one, I promise," he said, pulling my hand as he dragged me into the living room. Sitting in piles on the couch, tables and floor were tons of blankets. "I thought you and I could deliver these to the Alleyway. I ordered many sandwiches from the bakery near there, and they should be ready for dinner." He scoured my face for my reaction and my eyes filled up with tears.

"Thank you," I said, looking in his eyes. "It's perfect." He pulled me into a hug, the warmth from his body heating my outsides while the kindness of the gestured warmed my insides. "The alley-cats need all the help they can get."

"I didn't realize how bad some of the citizens had it," he mumbled to me. "I've always lived a privileged life, it has been a blessing. It's high time I do my part to make this kingdom better."

"Spoken like a true prince," I whispered into his chest. He pulled back from our hug and we began to put the blankets in a large carriage. We filled it to the brim, so Bennet and I rode in the front. As we began moving towards the city center, Bennet was teaching me how to work the reigns and I was thoroughly enjoying it. As the city got thicker with people and buildings, I turned to Bennet seriously.

"What I am about to show you is very secret," I said, looking directly into his eyes. "This place is a safe-haven from the Guardians and anyone else who wants to treat us beggars as trash. We are all equal there." Bennet nodded back to me with the same serious look on his face.

He placed a hand on his heart, "I promise to keep the Alleyway to myself."

I gave him a large smile as we pulled in front of the bakery. A boy helped Bennet carry all the sandwiches out and put them in the carriage. I thanked him, and he blushed before hurrying back inside. Bennet climbed back up beside me and chuckled, "He seemed quite smitten with you."

I scoffed, "I'm sure it's only because of these nice clothes, carriage, and stallions."

Bennet kept looking forward, but whispered, "Oh no, it's not just finery." My face heated, but I was glad to not have to answer as we approached the back way to the Alleyway.

"Let me talk to them before you come in, alright?" I said as I jumped down. Bennet followed my lead and lounged next to the carriage, drawing a lot of attention from some nearby ladies. They giggled and waved when he looked in their direction, and he waved politely back. I rolled my eyes as one of the ladies fainted and the other three had to take care of her. While most of the passersby were focused on the lady, I slipped into the Alleyway. It seemed darker and more dismal than I remembered. I scanned the area, but it had been wiped clean. There were no make-shift shelters, littered remnants of food, and more importantly, no people. My heart clenched as I took it all in, my mind shutting down as one thing repeated in my mind.

The Guardians had found the Alleyway.

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