Chapter 21

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Hey, guys, I'm back! Sorry for the wait, I've been too tired or busy to update lately. I hope people haven't abandoned the story yet, I'm trying hard to make it good. I hope the lemon scene didn't feel too out of place either...

N stares blankly up at White, still feeling dizzy from the aftereffects of his climax. White stares down at him in mortification, waiting for real life to set in. After fading from her state of arousal, she had finally realized what she had done. The same day that N had confessed his love for her, she had taken their relationship from one step to an entire mile.

He was also so innocent and untainted, White felt like she had ruined him in a way. She was waiting for N to become angry or weirded out by the intimate acts she had suddenly performed upon him. However, she got no such thing. After N had also gotten out of his trance of the aftereffect of his climax, he turns his head away from White with a deep blush. He was still shaking lightly, both from his first climax as well as from the intense intimate assault from White. However, he was not disgusted or upset by her actions as she expected him to be. Instead, he found his body burning for the first time, in a good way. All the places she had touched felt different now.

However, White still felt embarrassed about what she had done, and she found herself craving to be buried beneath the bedsheets to hide away her mistakes. "N... I'm sorry! I'm... Uh... Going to go back to sleep." White flees with her tail between her legs, scurrying across the bathroom tile and back into the bedroom. She quickly dives under the covers, covering her face with the red sheets.

N didn't understand why White was upset. He definitely didn't understand why she said sorry. To him, she had done something amazing and mind blowing. N still was feeling the aftereffects of the intimate experience, and he found his mind repeating the events over and over. He didn't see why such a wondrous experience could upset her.

Perhaps... Perhaps I tasted bad? But why did White say she is sorry?

He was at a loss as to how she was feeling at the moment, and he didn't like when she was upset. Although he wasn't able to decipher her mood, he knew he wanted to make it better in any way that he could. He swiftly fixes his clothing before bounding out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. It was the middle of the night, and N could hardly see anything in the room. However, he was able to make out the faint silhouette of White's form buried under the sheets. He climbs into the bed, rolling over to her and pressing their bodies as close as possible before wrapping his arms around her from behind. White's body tenses from his sudden embrace, and it causes N's heart to clench in pain. Only hours ago they had confessed their love, and N felt as if he was already losing her.

"White..." He murmurs, nuzzling his face into her neck. "What is wrong?"

"Aren't... Aren't you mad at me?" White hesitantly asks.

N finds himself even more confused. He found their recent interactions amazing, and he had no idea why White thought he could be upset with her. "No, why would I be angry?"

An invisible weight feels like it had been lifted from White's shoulders. "You're really not angry? Even after I did that to you in the bathroom?"

"No, White. It did not make me angry, I've never felt so good before..." N sheepishly closes his eyes, his face warming up. "I wish I could have more." He murmurs.

"It... It just seems too soon, to be doing such a thing. We are a new couple, after all. Usually couples wait a while before becoming intimate." White speaks into the pillow that she held close to her chest, the fabric muffling her words.

N smiles brightly, hugging her tighter. "It doesn't matter to me what others usually do, since being intimate with you felt right to me. I never felt better. I hope you feel the same."

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now