Chapter 3

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Hey guys, I'm back with a new chapter! Thanks for the reviews so far! White and N will be meeting again soon, so please keep reading! Without further ado, chapter 3!

White awoke the next morning and was again reminded of her strange dream that had disturbed her in the middle of the night. As soon as her eyes were open, she knew what she was going to be doing the whole day.

Looking for N.

She bounds down the stairs, her enthusiasm to find him was renewed.

I used to run into N all the time on my journey... Finding him now shouldn't be too difficult, right?

"Oh, honey, you're awake! Would you like me to make you some breakfast?" White's mother has risen from the couch as soon as she heard her daughter running down the stairs.

White shakes her head determinedly. "No thanks, I'm in a hurry and I've got stuff to do. I'll take a snack in my bag though." With a little wave, White quickly dashes out the front door, leaving her mother there who was unsure of what to think at White's sudden exit.

White spent most of the day soaring on her Braviary. She wanted to give Zekrom a rest, and Braviary liked to fly around with White. She scanned the surroundings below her, looking for the telltale tea green hair. Hours passed, and there still was not a single sign of him.

Frustrated, she began to call his name occasionally too.

"N! Where are you?"

They soared over another city, and White screamed his name over and over. People in the towns and routes probably thought she was insane, but she didn't care. She would scream all day if she had to, as long as she could find him.

By now her voice was growing hoarse, and she didn't notice till now that the day had already wasted away, fading into sunset.

She had just noticed that Braviary was breathing heavily from all the flying he had done.

I'm so selfish... I lost track of time looking for N and I didn't notice Braviary was tired.

"I'm sorry, Braviary, let's go back to Nuvema town and give you a rest..." White's voice cracks at the end of the sentence, and she realizes she has lost her voice from all the yelling.

Her body was beginning to ache from flying around with her Pokemon the last two days, and she was growing hungry. She ate her snacks out her bag but she still felt physically sick. The blazing sun which had shone down on her most of the day had left her skin sunburned and had made her dizzy. Even though the sun was fading now, she still felt sick.

She sighs, the inward breath tickling her raw throat.

I'm such a fool... I thought I could find him, but Unova is way too big to find just one person. If N really doesn't want to be found, then I'll never find him. He probably doesn't even want to see me... I'm just tiring out my Pokemon and wasting my time.

Braviary lands at Nuvema town, and both White and her Pokemon were exhausted from searching all day. She pets Braviary and whispers an apology to him before returning him to his Pokeball.

I should tire myself out only, I shouldn't bring my Pokemon into this.

Exhausted, she throws open her front door with a deep and worn out sigh. "I'm home..." White says in a zombie like tone.

"Oh, White, what happened to you! You should have taken sunblock! You look sick, did you make sure to eat?"

She sets her cap on the table, stretching and wincing as her very sore muscles pulled. "I'm fine, just feeling a bit sick."

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें