Chapter 13

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I just wanted to say thanks for all the feedback so far, it means a lot. Especially thanks to Alimjfan, they give me feedback on like every chapter haha. So yea, thanks for all the feedback guys. Hope you guys enjoy.

White and N dig into their food, much too hungry to even make simple conversation. They had been living on packaged foods for the past few days so a nice meal was greatly appreciated to them. White continues to drink from her cup, thinking of how strange it tasted. It looked a bit like soda, but it tasted very bitter and strong. However, she was much too thirsty to complain. Both she and N had finished both their drinks and hamburgers within a matter of a few minutes. However, as White began to drink more from her cup, she had noticed that she was beginning to feel a bit dizzy and sick. By the end of the meal, she felt like she was going to pass out.

N looks at her from across the large restaurant table, noticing how her eyes had become half closed and her shoulders had started to sag forward. Concern grows in N's mind. "White, are you okay?"

She finds N's words a bit muffled, and her vision was starting to leave her. The shapes and colors around her were becoming nothing but blobs in her view. "No... Need... Hotel...Bed..." Her head bobs up and down as she tries to hold it upward, but fails miserably as her head crashes onto the tabletop from being so disorientated. N gasps, incredibly worried for White. It didn't even seem like she had enough energy to make it to the hotel in the city. He furiously digs in his wallet, throwing a large sum of money on the table, hoping it would be enough for the food bill.

Sorry, White, but I'm going to have to carry you again. Your health is more important.

By now, she was already nearly passed out. The other surrounding customers of the restaurant were staring the pair in wonder, but soon they all became shocked when they saw N pick up White and carry her out of the building. He runs through the city as quickly as he can, desperately looking for a hotel.

Meanwhile, White was still barely awake. N looks down in concern at her as he carried her in his arms. Her condition seemed to be worsening rather than just being from a little dizzy. "White, we should take you to a hospital." He murmurs in distress, hating to see her unwell. White forces her eyes open a bit more, determination filling them. "No... Hospital. Just... Sleep."

Although N thought she would need to go to the hospital just to be safe, he decided to trust her judgment of her own feelings and complied with her wishes. He hoped she was just tired like she said she was. He carried her to the hotel, and bystanders of the city watched in awe as the tall green haired man carried a drunk looking young woman into the local hotel.

As they enter the hotel, the assistant workers inside gasp when they see White in N's arms. "Is she alright?" One of them demands.

N nods. "She is just very tired... Can we please have a room for two for the night?"

The assistant workers nod, quickly grabbing the room keys as they lead N to their hotel room. "You can pay later on your way out, just get her in bed for now. The poor dear looks like she is about to pass out."

The assistants open the hotel room door for them, and N mutters a thanks as the assistants close the door behind them, leaving N and White alone in their new hotel room. N carries White towards the large king sized bed, gently setting her down so she is laying upon the covers.

White was still awake, though her eyes were half lidded. Her mouth curls up into a lopsided and dopey looking grin and N sets her down upon the bed. "T-Tnkz N, I mean... Thank youuuuuuu N." She slurs through her sentence, and N can hardly make out the words.

"You're welcome. Are you sure you're okay White? You can hardly speak correctly... We should take you to the hospital." N is having a hard time resisting scooping her back into his arms and taking her to a hospital to make sure she was alright. She was acting so strange compared to her usual self.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now