Chapter 17

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Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for all the feedback so far! The reviews/comments, favorites, rates, and follows all mean a lot to me and keep me motivated! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

N and White skip through the sunny meadows hand in hand as wide and cheerful grins are upon their faces. N stops for a moment to watch White as she continues to skip around joyfully, her bright blue eyes shining. He finds himself never wanting to leave this bright meadow filled with flowers and smiles.

N approaches White, taking her in his arms as they embrace intimately. He takes in her delicious scent, which was that of strawberries and pine trees. She nuzzles her face into his chest as he wraps his arms around her slender waist. She looks up at him after a few moments, and he looks down at her. Her cheeks are delicately flushed as he gently tilts her chin up with his fingers, lowering his head and pulling her into a soft kiss. Her lips feel soft and moist against as own as they eagerly move against each other, and they soon return to their warm embrace.

"White, I love you. I love you so much." N whispers as he brushes his lips against her soft fluffy hair. He kisses her again upon the forehead, hoping to hear her words of love as well. Moments pass, and he notices she is shying away from his embrace. He pulls back to look at her in confusion.

His eyes widen as he realizes her wide grin and cheerful expression has turned to one of disgust. His heart feels like it is being broken in two as she pushes him away like he is worth nothing to her. She crosses her arms, looking away. "I don't love you, N. I never could. I would much rather be with someone like Steven. You're just a toy to pass the time to me."

N reaches his arms out desperately in a futile attempt to keep her near, but she turns her back towards him, fleeing the sunny meadow filled with flowers. N cries her name as her figure fades away, and the beautiful meadow fades as well. The last thing he sees is White leaping into the big open arms of Steven Stone. He catches White, his face overjoyed as he holds his love. White is happy as well, and they share an embrace before they both fade to black.

N finds himself awakening from the dream with the feeling of wetness upon his face. He blinks desperately, noticing that his vision was blurred due to an onslaught of tears that streamed down his face. His head was throbbing, he was incredibly dizzy, and his whole body was sore, but it was nothing compared to the ache in his heart after the dream he had. He sniffles, attempting to calm himself as his vision focuses. He looks up, realizing that he was laying down on a bed with the hot spring's hotel ceiling above him.

A sudden voice startles him. "Steven, he's awake! N! Are you fine? How are you feeling?" White rushes to him, her voice incredibly worried and shaken. N notices how she is hobbling towards him with a sort of exhausted limp, and he finds himself become very concerned as to what had happened to her. She didn't seem healthy.

"I'm fine..." N rasps out, his voice not sounding quite right after crying so much. "White... What happened to you? Are you alright?" He prays to himself that nothing bad had happened to her while he was passed out. As he continues to inspect her from his bed with increasing worry, he realizes there was a very large bandage upon the crease between her upper and lower arm.

White nearly trips as she makes her way to N's bedside, but Steven makes his appearance and grabs her shoulders to steady her before she falls. Steven looks over to N. "When that guy pushed you, you fell and got a bad head injury as well as well as lots of other wounds from the rocks. You needed a blood transplant badly, and lots of it. White was the only one compatible with your type. She donated quite a bit of blood for you, more than she should have..." Steven doesn't seem too concerned with N's condition, and is instead still looking worried over White, making sure she wasn't going to fall over again. "She really saved you there, you know. There weren't any hospitals around, and we ended up having to call in a nurse from far away. By the time you got here, you already lost a lot of blood even though we tried to stop the bleeding. You should be grateful." Steven looks at N in annoyance, as if he was blaming N for the mess they had all gotten into.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now