Chapter 7

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I noticed something funny- on the views manager for this story it shows that like chapters 2-5 got the least views while chapters 1 and 6 got the most. I don't quite get that, haha. Do people just skip for the good stuff? Also, sorry, but this chapter will be short. I'm tired and I have to go on vacation for 3 days tomorrow, so I thought a small update would be better than no update! Anyways, enjoy!

N awakes the next morning with the feeling of something unfamiliar on his body. He felt like he was being restricted a bit, yet he was also oddly comforted by the feeling of having something so close. His cloudy blue eyes open slowly, and the early morning sun outside blurs his vision for a few moments.

He feels a bit feverish for some reason, and hopes he isn't getting a cold. His thoughts quickly become alarmed as his vision focuses and he notices a mass of brown curls splayed across his chest. He realizes that White was laying partially on top of him. Her lower body was on her own side of the bed, but she must have rolled over onto him slightly in her sleep because now her head was upon his chest and her arms were wrapped around him.

Blush creeps onto his cheeks, and his heart begins to pump faster as he realizes the situation. It was so exciting to him, having his friend this close. He had never slept in a bed with anyone else before, he has never woken up with someone upon his chest... Despite the nerves shaking his body, he was quite happy with the situation. He looks down at her hair, thinking of how fluffy and soft it looked. He hesitantly reaches out to touch it, and it felt like how it looked but even softer. He never wanted to push her off, since laying in bed with her upon his chest was so comforting. He hadn't realized how nice human contact was, until White. However, his bladder was protesting and he had to go badly.

N gently slides out from under her, trying not to rouse her from her peaceful sleep. As he stands away from the bed, he smiles a little seeing her tranquil expression on her face in her slumber. He quietly walks towards the bathroom, but White was already starting to wake up. She hadn't realized she had rolled onto N in her sleep, but now that he was gone, her conscious seemed disturbed at his absence and caused her to wake up.

It takes her a few moments to be functional again, but she panics as soon as she realizes N is missing. Her heart beats faster as her gaze sweeps around the room, desperately looking for him.

He can't be gone again... He always disappears so mysteriously... I really wanted to travel with him...

"N!" White cries urgently, startling N in the bathroom. He was just about to exit and he hurries his pace when he heard her exclamation.

"White, what's wrong?" N hurries to her side, putting his hands on her shoulders and staring into her eyes intensely. He was a bit disturbed by the tone of the voice she had when she called his name, she sounded like a Pokemon who had been abandoned.

Her eyes widen as she realizes N had simply gone to the bathroom. Her entire face turns tomato red as she realizes how clingy and irrational she must seem to him.

He didn't leave, he was just in the bathroom... I'm such an idiot!

"N-Nevermind..." White turns her gaze away, embarrassed at her reaction when she thought he had left. Without even realizing it, she had already started to take his company for granted and had been happy at his constant presence the last day. When in Unova, hey used to talk for only a few brief moments before they battled, and then he would be off on his way. White really liked having his company now.

However, N wasn't quite understanding why this has all happened and why she had seemed so panicked. "White, please tell me what upset you." He was currently on his knees staring up at her as she sat upon on the bed, his eyes pleading. He didn't like seeing her upset, he wanted her to be happy again. Her smile always brightened a room.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now