Chapter 9

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! I hope you guys enjoy!

The dizziness overwhelms N as his vision clouds up more. His legs give out, sending him falling towards the ground. The last thing he hears is White's concerned cry as he lands on the grass, his vision fading to black as his conscious slips away from him.

White had felt the sudden strong tug on her hand, which nearly sent her falling towards the ground as well. She spins around to find that N had fallen over, passed out in the middle of the grass patch.


She falls to her knees, quickly shaking his shoulders to see if he was alright. He wasn't moving, and the only thing that seemed to move was his green hair as she shook him back and forth.

Frantically, she presses her ear to his chest, making sure he was still breathing. His breaths were shallow, but still there nonetheless.

She anxiously runs her hands through her hair, not knowing how to help him. She knew that they were too far from any sort of hospital, and she knew she didn't have any way to get him to one, even with the help of her Pokemon. None of her Pokemon were big enough to carry both of them, except perhaps Zekrom. However, there was no room in this crowded forest to call him in. Her mind quickly goes through all the possibilities that she could do to help him, but she found none that would work since he was unconscious.

I can't use Zekrom... I definitely can't carry him, and I only have 2 Pokemon that could fly. I could put N on Zekrom and I could ride Braviary... But there's no room to call out Zekrom any where near here! Both of us wouldn't fit on Braviary... What do I do! I'm going to have to do the best I can to take care of him here.

With her hands shaking, she puts her hand upon N's forehead to check if he had any sort of fever. She gasps, his forehead feeling incredibly hot. His face was flushed as well. A frown grows upon her face.

He has a bad fever... How long has he had it? It wouldn't make sense for it to surface only now when it is this bad. He must have had the fever for a while. How did I not notice? Why didn't he tell me? He must have been pushing himself too hard while trying to help me.

White strokes the green hairs framing his face, sadness and guilt overwhelming her. She didn't like seeing N so sick, and she definitely hated that she could hardly do anything about it. She also knew it was probably her fault he was like this, which only made her feel even worse.

I'll have to get him comfy first. I should also make him something healthy to eat. Maybe something like soup would be good for a cold. It's a good thing I have a crap ton of supplies in my bag.

She brings out her sleeping bag, setting it up on the ground next to N. She gently rolls him onto the bag, feeling bad that she had to be so rough with him. However, he would probably thank her later for getting to sleep in a sleeping bag rather than on the grass. She covers him with one of her small blankets from the bag, tucking it over his chest.

Even through all of this commotion, N still hadn't stirred. Growing more worried, she quickly gets to her next task. She digs through her bag, trying to find the cooking supplies she had packed somewhere at the bottom of the huge thing. She finally finds her small cooking kit. It included a fire starter, a small pot, a bowl, a plate, a spoon, and a fork.

Looks like I'll be cooking old style today. Now where are my canned foods? I know I brought a few just in case...

With a little backward glance at the sickly N to make sure he was still okay, she digs farther into the bag and pulls out canned chicken noodle soup.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now