Chapter 19

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Yay, another chapter! Thanks again for the feedback so far, it's greatly appreciated. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter!

White sighs in contempt as a personal massage worker tends and kneads her back delicately, working at the sore muscles. Her mind drifts as she takes in the relaxation of the spa.

Even though Steven offered us to go on the cruise along with all the amenities for free, I still feel a bit bad. I feel like we're mooching off him... But he did say he was happy that we were going along. And I definitely don't mind this luxury... Man, it must be nice to be rich sometimes. But I feel like it must be a hassle as well.

They were currently on their first day at sea. It would be only a few day cruise, sailing from the colder areas of the region down towards the tropical region before coming back where they started. White was looking forward to sunbathing on the ship once they had reached the warmer areas. Right now, it was a bit too cold to lay outside in a swimsuit.

After finishing up her massage, White leaves the spa and begins to head through the halls of the fancy cruise ship towards her cabin. As she walks down the long narrow corridors, she finally reaches her cabin and sees N waiting patiently at the door. When she approaches, he smiles brightly at her. "White! How are you? You seem really happy."

She stretches her arms, a lazy and fulfilled grin growing upon her face as she recalls the events at the spa. She definitely felt way better than before she had went in. Her muscles seemed to be more relaxed and no longer sore from her travels. "Yeah, Steven said we could go to any service on the cruise for free so I tried out the spa. They gave me a really nice massage, it was amazing!"

N finds himself a bit conflicted. Although he was happy to hear White was being treated luxuriously like he thought she deserved, he also found the jealous side of himself becoming a bit upset. He was upset that White had gotten a massage and he hadn't, no, that wasn't it. He was glad she felt better. Instead, he found himself feeling envious that Steven could treat White so much better than he could, due to his enormous amount of wealth.

White notices the clashing emotions upon his face, and she grows quickly confused and concerned. "N, is something wrong?"

N shakes his head back and forth to feign innocence, but White knew better than that. The stubborn look she shot at him after that informed N that he definitely wasn't fooling her.

I should have known that I can't ever fool her. She always sees through me.

Then again, it wasn't exactly hard to tell what N was thinking. He always wore his heart on his sleeve, and you could read him like an open book. He was so innocent and naive but also honest and sincere. He could never fool anyone about his true emotions.

He decides to tell her. "It's nothing much... I just wish I could do more for you. I feel like Steven treats you so much better than I do...."

And truthfully... I feel like he's better than me in every way. I feel like you're going to be taken from me at any moment by him.

N thought it was better not to tell her his complete thoughts, since he found himself petty enough already. He hated feeling these envious emotions more than anything, and he hated it every more how White was seeing these parts of him. He wanted to be at his best for her and didn't want her to know of his insecurities.

White shakes her head back and forth with a sad smile. "N, haven't you learned by now? Money doesn't matter to me. Sure, it's nice, whatever. Being rich would probably end up being too much after a while anyways." She chuckles a little as she places a hand comfortingly on his shoulder. "You do more than enough for me already, so don't doubt yourself."

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now