Chapter 14

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Hey guys, sorry for the little delay in releasing this chapter. I've been super busy and tired from school so I haven't got around to updating till now. I hope you guys understand, and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

"What do we do?" White whispers in horror, staring at the man known as Steven Stone below her. He was sprawled out, his face an unhealthy color and his limbs twitching. His eyes were closed, and the poisoned wound from his hand continued to seep blood onto the grass.

Stunned and not sure exactly how to remedy the situation, N found himself growing dizzy from the sight of blood. "We... We need to stop the bleeding."

Trembling, White lowers herself onto the grass next to Steven. She swiftly digs through her bag and pulls out her first aid kit. She begins to wipe away the mess of blood from his hand, and the contact causes Steven's eyes to open slightly. Although his vision was pretty blurry and he was too out of it to say anything, he looks to see what was touching him. He sees White's determined face as she carefully cleans his wound.

Ah, I've been saved. Steven focuses his hazy vision on White, drinking in all her features. He finds her to be so angelic, it was like she had swooped down from the heavens just to save him. He thought she was very beautiful and perfect in every way. Steven conscious slips away from him as she continues to wipe away the blood on his hand.

After the mass of blood had been wiped away from his hand, the true wound was revealed. It was a large gash that looked like fang marks of some sort of large bug. The flesh around the wound had turned a sickly yellow, and White knew that wasn't a good sign. He was definitely poisoned. "N!" White panics, looking over to him in desperation. "He's poisoned! What do we do?"

N sits down next to White, his mind racing as to how they could help this man out. He knew that taking Steven back to the Pokemon center would take way too long, he would definitely be a goner by then. An idea, as farfetched as it may be, comes to his mind. "Do you have an antidote in your bag for Pokemon? That might work on the wound, if it is from a bug Pokemon."

White knew there wasn't much of a choice now. She complies with N and his idea, digging through her bag in the medicine area for her Pokemon. She luckily had an antidote. She pulls it out, spraying the bottle onto Steven's infected hand. He twitches in his sleep, grunting in pain. White and N watch in determination, hoping to see some sign of the poison dissipating. The wound bubbled from the spray, and after the bubbles faded, the yellow sickly color from it seemed to have faded from his hand. They both breathe a sigh of relief.

White bandages up Steven's hand, and then packs away all her medical supplies. Although Steven was still sleeping and looking better than he was before, they still couldn't be too sure of his well being without taking him to a hospital first.

She begins to think of how she and N should probably take Steven back to the Pokemon center hospital to make sure he was okay. She puts her arms down under Steven, attempting to pick him up. However, it was definitely a futile attempt. She couldn't even budge Steven an inch.

White curses under her breath in frustration. She had always been a petite girl, and she hated how she could never do any heavy lifting.

N notices her attempts, and easily puts his arms under Steven, picking up the sleeping man into his arms with ease. Blush rises to her cheeks when she realizes again just how much stronger N is than her. However, she gets over it quickly. "N, we should take him back to the Pokemon center just to be safe."

N nods, and they head back towards the city.


After getting Steven checked into the hospital, they doctors had informed them that Steven was perfectly fine, just fatigued. They said that they got rid of the small traces of poison in his system, and that he definitely would have died if they hadn't used the antidote on him earlier. White was so glad that N had come up with that idea in time. The doctor advised them to let Steven continue sleeping for a while longer, so N ended up having to carry Steven to the hotel in the city. He hadn't woken up yet, and they knew he would be astonished to be waking up in a hotel with two strangers.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now