Chapter 4

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Hey guys, I'm back with another chapter! Thanks for the feedback so far, it means a lot! I hope you enjoy! Sorry for the little delay.

N soars through the skies on his Reshiram, the harsh winds whipping against his face and hair. His eyes were narrowed in concentration. I need to get to White as soon as possible and make sure she is okay... I have no idea how much Team Plasma could have in this short amount of time.

Reshiram seems to sense its master's urgency and flies as fast as it can. As Reshiram and N fly, he doesn't have much to do while waiting to get to Sinnoh.

Vacation... Hm? I really want to see White again... I want to talk to her... But I would hate to ruin White's vacation with news of Team Plasma... I am probably overreacting about Team Plasma anyways, they said they wouldn't be looking for her for a while, and I can protect her when she gets back from vacation. But I want to make sure she will be okay, just in case... Plus, White probably doesn't even want to see me, especially on her vacation. I don't deserve her friendship after everything I did, either. She was nice to me at the castle, but she was most likely only being kind because that is her nature to do so... She really is a kind person in and out...What do I do?

N strokes his Reshiram's head, soothing the dragon. "Friend, can I ask your advice?" N asks Reshiram. The dragon cooed in response. Ask me anything, master. I'll do my best to provide advice.

"Someone important to me, White, could possibly be in danger from Team Plasma... I left the organization after I realized their true intentions, but I heard them say they want revenge on White. There is a low probability that they could reach her on her vacation in Sinnoh, but..." N's thoughts clashed back and forth as he continued to think about what he should do. He really wanted to keep White happy and he didn't want to ruin her vacation with his presence and with low chances of Team Plasma bothering her.

But, what? Reshiram wanted to help their master. They didn't like seeing him so conflicted.

"But... I don't want to ruin White's vacation. There is a very low probability of Team Plasma's interference with her, but I don't want to leave her unsafe... But I also don't want to mess up her vacation... She always looked so exhausted when I saw her on her travels." Guilt begins to consume N. "I think she was always so tired because of when I told her I wanted to free Pokemon in Nimbasa city. Before I told her, she always seemed energetic. When I challenged her at Nimbasa, I think she rushed herself too much..."

If you don't want to ruin your friend's vacation, perhaps you could keep watch over her instead from afar? This way she can enjoy her vacation and she won't have to worry, and you can assure her safety. You can inform her of the possible threat once she returns. If something happens, you will be there to protect her.

N nods to himself, liking this plan. But his mind strayed to that time when he had talked to White in Chargestone cave. He had told her that after mentioning White and her friends once to Ghetsis, he had apparently sent the shadow triad after them for a little while to find out about them. He remembered White had seemed unhappy with this. It was clear she didn't like this development, and N felt distressed by this, for some reason worrying that she was unhappy with him as well.

"I don't think White would like being followed... I don't want to make her uncomfortable..."

No worries, master. You can keep your distance and this is for her safety and happiness. You said you wanted her happiness to be the top priority, so this will make her the happiest. She doesn't have to be aware that you are looking out for her.

Awakened Emotions (Ferriswheelshipping) (N x White/Touko/Hilda)Where stories live. Discover now