Where is Jared Chapter 24

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Chapter 24- JESSIE

"This wheel chair is starting to get on my nerves." I said, as the four of us walked out to the truck. James and Kyle were still getting 'taken care of' as the doctor had said. They would be in jail in a while anyway... hopefully.

"Tell me about it..." Jacob sighed. He was worse off than me... why was I complaining? I didn't know. I felt guilty... Jacob had two casts, one on his arm, and one on his leg, a brace on his neck strictly for comfort, and cuts and scrapes and bruises everywhere. And here I was with a small hole in my leg, complaining about a wheelchair. I disgust myself sometimes.

Tim and Katie helped us with the wheel chairs, getting them in the bed of the truck. I just hoped it wouldn't rain in the next few hours.

Katie had to go to her house first... her first rule of her probation. I really hated that for her, but the police had cut her a deal. She wasn't completely gone as a friend either. I still had a small amount of respect for what she'd done... for all of us.

But, there were only certain hours of the day that anyone was aloud to see her. And her mother wasn't very happy about all of this, so she was off limits entirely for a while.

We dropped her off at her house, and then started the long drive to Jared's house. I hadn't realized how long it was before in our rush to get there and speak with Jacob.

Tim... he was driving us for today, what with both of us injured. Jacob sat in the back, apparently seeing more in my relationship with Tim. Somehow, I couldn't find myself to be mad at him. I was thankful.

I kept eyeing Tim, and as he was concentrating on driving, I could pay more attention to him without it being weird. His features were dark, obviously in a subtle anger. I didn't understand.... Shouldn't I be in more distress than him? Maybe I was. Or maybe when I got hurt, it took more of a toll on him than me.

And... when I thought about it, Tim was adorable, with his sandy hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. He would glance at me every few minutes, knowing I was watching.

And each time, I wished he wouldn't look back on the road. Was this a sign? To give Tim a chance... would it really be that bad? Couldn't I try, even if it hurt me?

I tried to shake that thought away. We were going on a date soon. I couldn't help it, but a date with Tim sounded like a little much for me right now.

With Jared gone, what was I supposed to do?

He would want me to move on... wouldn't he? I couldn't keep these thoughts out of my head, and to make matters worse, Tim was seeing my looks, and understood that I was in a dilemma. He sighed apologetically, but couldn't say anything because of Jacob.

Finally, we arrived at Jared's house, and dropped Jacob off. We both had to get out the wheelchairs again, which was a pain in the ass. But soon Tim and I were headed back to our neighboring houses.


"What the heck was that all about?" I said.


"Your... staring. It was uncomfortable for me." I explained. Jessie looked as though she were going to lie. "Don't lie to me..." I said, guessing the plan.

"I was... thinking about you. Well, you and me. And I'm still undecided."

"Oh." If I looked like I was surprised at her honest answer, well, I was.

"Yea." She said, trying to fill the awkward silence. She paused, thinking. "But I'm going to try. I owe you that much, after all of this mess."

"God, I love you. You're so determined, kind, compassionate, and friendly. I couldn't ask for a better girl." I'd thought this in the same second that I said it, and I wished I hadn't. She needed to be left alone to make her decision about me, and that wasn't helping. But she smiled anyway.

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