Where is Jared Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- TIM

I beat myself up for that stupid kiss. All week, I told myself that she would never forgive me, that when I went back to school (I was suspended for the fight), she would just spit in my face. It was a stupid thing to do, but it was courageous all the same. I knew it was so dumb to love her, but I felt like it was fate. Fate kept me from hating her. Fate would keep me loving her also.

I could stand her loving Jared, and I could stand her not getting over him. I could easily talk her out of it, with time, of course. But I couldn't take the fact of her hating me. Hating me for loving her....Does it really make sense? No, I told myself. No. And if I was any normal guy, I could walk away from her, and forget. Forgive and forget. But I guess I'm not just any normal guy.


Tim? Was he really what he said? I mean, does he really love me? I could see it, the love...the hurt... the pain. It was all there. I was angry, not because he kissed me, but because he loved me. I don't understand myself, so why should he? It's terribly selfish that I don't give Tim a shot. No, it's beyond that, evil. But I can't find it in me to just let Jared go, even if it's what he'd want.

Jared was murdered. Murdered, that terrible word, how horrific. I still couldn't grasp that, I couldn't understand why anyone would just, take him away. But it happened. He's gone.

I talked to my mom about helping with the investigation, but she said no. I didn't understand, and I still don't. I'm probably going to do my own snooping anyway. I know where the accident was, and I know what happened.

The police say he must have been driving to my house, when he was attacked from behind. He tried to defend himself, breaking the attacker's bone (But which bone?). The attacker hit his head several good times before he was knocked out. The car wrecked with both of them still inside, which probably injured both of them even more. When he was unconscious, the murderer bashed his head in with a hammer, finishing the job.

What a horrible way to die. Just having an accident wasn't enough. God had to do this to me. To him. It wasn't enough that he just die, he had to die brutally.

I was sure, absolutely beyond a doubt, sure that I would play a part in finding Jared's murderer.


The darkness was terrible. There was nothing to see, and I couldn't see it if there was. I stumbled around, lost in the dark, vast... air? I could even tell if there was ground.

Suddenly, there was light, a bright shining light, and straight in front of me. I turned in many different directions, and everywhere, there was light. I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what it was, although it was shaped like a person. It was walking towards me, slowly getting brighter and brighter. Then I knew who it was...Jessie. She stared, happy and caring, loving, nurturing, right into my eyes. It was the happiest moment that could be possible: My love, loving me. Amazing.

Before I could speak, before I could grasp the fact that she was there, she turned away. She was walking away....but who...or what...was she walking to? I could see a pale figure in the darkness...James? Yes, James, she was walking to him with open arms. Meanwhile, it was getting darker where I was; Back to the dark, the dark nothingness that there was before. But this was worse, because I knew she existed, the light, it was somewhere.

I began running, as fast as I could; searching for the light, but it was gone. Gone, back to James. There was just me, and nothing else.

I woke up panting. That was the worst dream I'd had in a long time. I had to talk to Jessie. I had to apologize. But it was three in the morning. Why would she listen at this hour? It doesn't matter, I thought. I got up and headed next door, hoping she would listen.


I laid sprawled out on my bed, conjuring up a plan to find Jared's killer. I would have to go to the source, the hillside where he was killed, just off Main Street. I would go tomorrow after school, and maybe something would turn up. Well, I thought, why not go now? It's just as good a time as any. So I got up and jogged outside.

Just as I opened my door, I heard a voice. "Where are you going at this time a night?" I jumped, and then froze, staring Tim right in the eyes. "Why are you here?" I demanded.

"I need to talk to you." He said, and I could tell he was sincere. I didn't care. I got in the car, and he stood at my door, pleading. "I don't care where you're going, I'll come with you. We have to talk."

"Get in the car, and we'll talk." As he hopped in, I told myself I wouldn't talk. He didn't speak either, so it was silent until we reached Main Street. I pulled of the side of the road, to the spot where his car was found. I could almost hear the click go off in his head as he realized what we were doing. "Why? Why are you concerned about who killed him?"

"Why do you think? If the one you love..." Me, I added mentally. "If the one you love died, and you knew she was murdered, would you want to find the killer? Would you want justice?"

"Well...yes, but it's different..."

"No, it's not."

"It's different... if you're by yourself. What if the killer knew you were looking, don't you think it would be dangerous?" Tim stared with caring eyes, eyes that could see inside of me.

"Why are you concerned about me? No, wait; let me guess, because you love me." I was being inconsiderate, but I didn't care.

"I do love you."

I simply got out of the car and began searching the area for a clue.

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