Where is Jared Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- JESSIE

"Where is he taking you this weekend?" Katie asked with tons of curiosity. "You know, if James acted like him, I'd be in heaven..." she trailed off. "I really don't know." I said "I mean he won't tell me, but the last time he kept it a secret, he really didn't have a clue either." And we kissed...I added mentally. That was the best kiss ever, whether it was my lack of experience or the fact that I loved him, I couldn't tell.

Katie laughed darkly. "James doesn't do that kind of thing to me. He just tells me up front. But I care about him too much to care."

We were sitting in the cafeteria, which was filled with chatter, and Katie, as usual, was talking away.

I wanted so badly to know where Jared was taking me, but I wouldn't bother him about it. I didn't want to aggravate him, because it was like aggravating myself. I mean, lately, it felt like Jared and I were the same person, as if our feelings were the same. It was something I would never tell anyone, because it had only been two months since we'd met. But it felt as Jared belonged wherever I was, like nothing could ever separate us. We were one person.

I nodded, realizing if I didn't look like I knew what we were talking about, it would hurt me later. Katie saw me, and appreciatively went on with her babbling.

Finally, the lunch hour was over, and I took my usual seat beside Jared in our fourth class. He gazed at me, as usual, and my heart leaped, as usual. The teacher was monotonously droning on...and on...and on. But I was staring at him, his amazing blue eyes, the tight muscles that ran up his arm.....his sandy brown hair, which was, as always, tousled, yet under control.

He noticed my gaze, finally, and our eyes met. We stared at each other for a long moment, and when he looked away I wished he hadn't. It was hard for me to pay attention in class now, because his presence seemed to be all I could think about. I finally did, though, and tried to get something out of the class.

"I was getting self-conscious in there, Jessie. You were staring me down like....uh...I don't know, it was creepy." Jared had his arm around my shoulder, and we were walking to his car. "I'm sorry; I just, um.....was daydreaming?" I made it sound like a question, and he laughed lightly. "Yea, right. You couldn't resist me if you tried..."

All I could think was: Boys will be boys....


Man, what was with her in fourth class? There is no way I was the only one to notice that! I was rigid with jealousy as I walked to my car, only to realize that Jared's car was just two spaces down. And they were standing in front of it, holding hands and being gooey...UGH! Why can't life be fair??

I jumped into my car as fast as possible, revved the engine to get their attention, and drove away. Jessie was staring at me, as I could see from my rearview mirror, and suddenly her face turned pained. I wondered if it was just me. She'd said it was hurting her to hurt me, but I didn't believe her.


I was taking Jessie out to the best restaurant in town tonight. That was the only fact that my mind could think of. The only thing that ran through my head: I have the best girlfriend in the world. I love her, but not like anyone else I'd ever loved...it was a passion. A passion...as if we were the same person...nothing could separate us, not even death.

I shook my head to clear it. Death? No one was dying here. Not physically anyway. I was suddenly reminded of Tim...not hurt physically, but emotionally. I felt bad for him...Jessie had known him way before she'd met me. And I'd taken her away from him. Now that I knew how much I loved her, I also knew how bad I would feel if she was taken from me. In that, I'd learned that Tim was a great guy, and that he just loved the wrong girl. Not that I'd stop Jessie if she loved him; I only want her to be happy.

I was driving down the familiar path way to Jessie's house, thinking about Tim, wondering if I could make things better between us, wondering if we could possibly become friends. I was supposed to pick her up around seven, and I was already running a few minutes late. Just as I stopped at a stop light near town, something hit me on the head. Hard.

I turned around, wondering of someone had thrown something.

"Hey! Get out of my CAR!!" I screamed. I saw a masked figure, a silhouette in the dark evening light. Something was familiar about his features. Before I could think of where I'd seen this person, a huge fist hit me on the head again, and I suddenly couldn't see. I felt the car start moving, and just as I was about to scream again, the hand covered my mouth. I tried to fight him, but I felt the car was out of control. So I grabbed the steering wheel instead, all the while this creep holding my mouth and hitting me in the head repeatedly. Then the car crashed.


"Jared's never been late before." I told my mom, trying to hold back tears. "Not even on out first date." I whimpered. It was past eight, although he was supposed to be here at seven. I couldn't keep from crying anymore. He'd stood me up.

I called his house, hoping to catch him there, so I could scream at him. His step-mom answered, and I immediately calmed down. "Hey, is Jared there?" I asked politely, though I wasn't feeling very polite at all. "Is this Jessica? Honey, Jared left an hour ago, said he was going to pick you up."


I came to, realizing where I was slowly. I knew I was in my car, but nothing else came to mind. I tried to sit up, but every part of my body screamed in agony. Then I realized that the car was in the woods. I could still see the road in the rearview mirror, though. I looked up to see that masked guy again, this time something was in his hand, but I couldn't see very well. I spat suddenly, and realized it was all just blood.

Just as I realized who the guy was, he hit me with the thing in his hand, and everything went black.

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