Where Is Jared Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- JESSIE

We walked to class, calculus, that is, and sat beside each other. Tim eyed me anxiously, and I simply gave him the 'I'll explain later' look. He got the point and didn't bother me anymore. Jared and I passed notes for most of the class, carefully avoiding the eyes of the teacher. I was serious, he wrote, I really wasn't kidding about me liking you. We should go on a date.

We should, maybe a movie or something...., I wrote back. We exchanged an awkward glance, and his expression was so wonderful, I wanted to kiss him. I leaned in, then I stopped myself. We were in calculus, for crying out loud! He chuckled, and I thought the teacher would see. He didn't, and we went on passing notes until the end of class.

"Who WAS that? He's so cute, and he obviously likes you." Katie was asking me as soon as we were out of class. Sadly, second period was the only class I didn't have with him. "His name is Jared. I like him too. We're going on a date soon." I told her. "I've never met anyone like him. He's so.....indescribable." Katie laughed at me. "What?" I asked. "I just think its funny, that's all."

"Why?" I asked. She was really starting to irritate me. "Because, I know you Jessie, and I know that you would never go head over heels for a guy you just met. Like Tim, remember when Tim asked you out. You guys had known each other for a long time before that, and you still told him no." I could see her logic, but decided not to let it show. "I am NOT falling for him. I don't know him all that well. For Pete's sake, I just met him two hours ago!"

Two hours. Wow. It felt like I'd known him for way longer than that. Katie let it go, and went on talking about her boyfriend, James. James was a cool guy, but he was part of a crowd I told myself I'd never be in. He was always drinking, partying, messing around with girls. But somehow, he was steadily dating Katie. I'd warned her countless times, telling she didn't know what he could do to her, but she never listened. I finally gave up on warning her, but she always went on talking about him anyway.

"He really is a great guy, Jessie. He'd never do anything to me." She'd constantly tell me. I wasn't convinced, but I let it go. "....And then he paid for my dinner, which was really expensive, by the way, and drove me home." she was telling me. "Wow." I finally said, not really thinking about the conversation.

Jared. What a great guy. He was so friendly, open, and caring. I knew so much about him, yet not enough. I wanted to get to know him, but not on a date. Katie was right about one thing, I never really was this forward with guys. But it was different, so much different.

Tim was in my third class, and he bombarded me with questions, just like Katie. "Who was that dude? He seemed like a cool guy." He said. "Yea, he is." I didn't feel comfortable telling him about how I felt, even though he was my best guy friend. "What, are you two like...." he gulped, "dating?"

I laughed to hide my feelings. "No, were not. But we are going on a date."

"But isn't that like the same thing?" he asked. "No, not really."

Tim suddenly looked really sad. I was going to ask him what was wrong, but decided against it.


Wow. Jessie never threw herself at guys like that. I was so weird. But the guy seemed cool enough. I mean I love Jessie, I would risk my life to save her. But it's like a brother/sister thing. I just don't want her to get herself into something she would regret.

I'll pray about it, I thought. I might even talk to this guy, as soon as I find out his name.

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