Where is Jared Chapter 19

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Chapter 19- JESSIE

"We have to go talk to him." I said fiercely. It had broken the silence, and it was awkward, even though the words came out of my mouth. "We have to, and I'm going, even if you don't." I said.

Tim eyed me, and all I could see was the love he held for me. His eyes were cautious, trying to save me from something, or someone, I guessed. Only his eyes showed this. His body held all signs of defeat, and Katie was unaware of it all. But Tim and I held a moment in each other, a moment that made me almost want to... love Tim back. Almost.

But the fear of not bringing justice to Jared's death overshadowed all of my feelings for him. At least for the moment. Yet, for some odd reason, I couldn't look away. I heard Katie shuffle quietly away, finally clueing in.

And then Tim walked towards me, and all I could think was that I wished it was Jared. I wished it was Jared who was walking toward me, about to kiss me, loving me. I missed him, and I wished it was him.

As a tear filled me eye, I stopped Tim in his tracks. But by this point, his face was inches from mine. He eyed me, eyed the hand I had placed on his chest, sighed, and backed away. I was relieved. I'd kissed him before, well, he'd kissed me, and there were so many other things that I had to concentrate on right now.

Katie was gone, and for that I was grateful. But I needed to talk to Jared's father, and there was no way I wasn't going to speak with him.

"I can't do this right now." I finally said, and then I realized that neither one of had spoken this whole time. "I have to talk to him. I'm going to Jared's house."


She walked back to the car, stomping, and got in. That will teach me not to leave the keys in the ignition. Crap. We were only about twenty feet from the car, even when we were at the door talking to the crazy woman. And Jessie got in my car, and started it up before I could get there.

Katie hopped in skillfully, and I sighed. I knew I had no choice but to come along, especially if I wanted to make it back home. I got in the back, and in the mirror I could see Jessie's eyes glowing with satisfaction.

It was quiet after that. No one spoke, and that was fine. I was kind of pissed off anyway for having to come. I concentrated on the scenery around me, and soon it was all I could think about.

There was nothing extremely interesting, just the country road leading to Jared's house, and the trees and fields. But it was very relaxing. The sun shown just the right amount over the horizon, and it was different from most places here in Ohio. It was almost time for that shining sun to go down, and this made me somewhat sad. But for now, the yellow/orange hues in the sky gave me peace.

The trees made the light dim, and there was such serenity in the small country road that I forgot all about Jared. I forgot all about Jessie's obvious hatred towards me.

It was just Jessie and I, walking slowly together, holding hands, smiling; Just us two, alone together.

And then we pulled into the driveway of Jared's house, and my entire fantasy vanished. The background to my dream faded, and there was just Jessie. The Jessie that did not love me. The one that I still loved. I almost doubled over in pain.

But I kept my composure for my own sake, and we walked quietly up to the door of the large house. As soon as Katie knocked, a middle aged man answered. He smiled at us. "Hello, Jessie." He beamed, like he'd been expecting us. For all I know, he could have been.

I smiled back at him. "You're Jared's father?" I said it as a fact, not a question. But he smiled.

"Yes, I am. Jacob Richardson." He reached out the doorway and shook my hand firmly. "You guys come on in."

We walked in, and I was surprised at how nicely furnished the house was. Two leather couches lined the wall, and a nice fireplace made the dark walls that much more appealing. I was so jealous of this house. "Your house is beautiful!" Jessie spoke before I could.

"Thanks. It took a hell of a lot of work to get it this way though. And don't forget money." He flashed us a smile.

We all smiled back. I liked him already, and I didn't think it would be too awfully hard to get a story out of him. I finally got to the point.

"We need to speak with you about Jared. I hope it's not too uncomfortable for you to talk about."

"No... I don't guess so, but what is it that you need to know?"

"We need to know... well, maybe we should sit down." I felt like an interrogator from CSI. But, nonetheless, Jacob led us to four chairs in the main room. We all took a seat.

"Was Jared involved in a murder? Did he kill anyone?" I asked, getting straight to the point, not wasting time. This would take forever...

"No! Why the hell would you come here..."

"It's not about why we came here, Mr. Richardson. It's about finding out where Jared's killer is. We have a letter from him." I shoved the letter across the table.

Jacob's eyes shot open wide, reading and absorbing. He finally sighed. "It wasn't Jared. I know what happened."

"Will you please tell us, and don't spare any details, sir." Jessie said quietly.

Jacob took one deep breath, closed his eyes, and spoke.

"My son, Kyle... he was wanted for murder. I helped him get away."

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