Where is Jared Chapter 17

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Chapter 17- KATIE

James. That was my boyfriend. He was mine, the one I'd wanted for a long while. He kissed me in the park that day, the day we decided to embark on this special mission: To kill Jared. Why? Because he killed my father a few years ago. And he was not forgiven.


Yea, I remember it all too clearly. I came home from school, freshman year. Sure, I was having the time of my life, new friends, sports, though my pal Jessie hadn't come around yet. And I came home to see my father's blood scattered along the walls. I screamed, and immediately, a hand covered my mouth. It was a small hand at that, but its grip was tight. A voice shushed me. "Be quiet. There's no way I'm going to get caught." The voice said. I struggled, trying to get to the phone, but somehow, despite being small, this kid was stronger than me. And that was saying something.

I finally managed to turn to face him, so that he still had his hands around my neck. I'd never seen him before in my life. But, I would soon find out, that it was Jared. When he came to my school, he would expose his secret. But that had no effect on me yet.

"Who are you?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't hurt me. "Why did you kill my dad?" I was crying now. "WHY?"

"Doesn't matter who I am. Just make sure no one finds out about this, or you'll end up just like him." He gestured wildly around the room. I thought it was so odd for a kid my age to be so malicious. But this was him. He was practically smiling.

"I won't tell. But what can I do?"

"Call the cops. Just don't tell them about me."

I did just that, and the entire time, I wondered why I was doing him a favor.

**End flashback**

So, when Jared just showed up here at school one day, I'd gone on a rampage. There was no way, and I was sure of what I was seeing. Jared looked the same, smelled the same, and even sounded the same. But that couldn't be him.

I waited to see if he'd talk to me. I figured he had forgotten, although if I'd ever killed a man, I would never forget. Who could forget a thing like that?

Apparently him. I waited and waited, hoping he'd say something. Well, I hoped he'd at least remember our encounter.

But he didn't, and it bugged me. I still hated him for killing my father, and getting away with it. And he had no reason. So, one day, after Jessie and Jared hooked up, I made my decision: The decision that would influence everything; the decision that would change my life forever. I was going to seek revenge.

So, as James and I were cuddling under an oak tree, I asked him: "How would you like to help me." I explained the situation, and he was very shy and tentative at first.

"I don't want to kill a person, even if my awesome girlfriend hates them." He said. "I really am not an evil person. It's a sin to murder." Wow, I thought, for someone who says it's a sin, he sure wasn't uptight. I'd just asked him to murder, and we seemed to be discussing this very calmly. The thought was ironic.

"Well, yea, but I need your help. Your brains, sneakiness, and charm." I said. I was totally banking on being his girlfriend. This would never work on anyone else. "I need you." I kissed him again.

After much argument, he finally began to yell. "No, I'm not murdering anyone!"

This is where the money came into play. "I'll offer you three grand to help me." Huh, at the time, I'd had no cash. But, if I was going to be a criminal, I might as well steal some dough too. "Three grand: half now, and half when the job is done."

He faltered, and I had him. All of our discussion after that was how and where and when we were going to strike.

Well, James killed Jared. And the police and everyone else pretty much know how, when, and where. What's left? Who... and why. He hid out in Jared's car, and attacked. And I'd had knowledge of the whole thing. It will forever fill me with guilt. But, at least my father's death was avenged. And yea, that's how he got put in the hospital. I'd lied to Jessie about him breaking his leg.

I didn't want her to know the truth. She'd think of me as a horrible person even though I wasn't at the time. We were best friends. I still loved Jessie but, the whole thing with Jared killing my dad ruined me, and I just had to get revenge.

Of course, like I promised, I gave him fifteen hundred bucks. I knew, the job was done, but I'd refused the rest. I wanted Tim dead too.

The night of Jared's murder, I'd told James to kill Tim. I knew he might try to find out what happened, especially since he was in love with Jessie. So I'd wanted him out of the way. "Kill Tim, and then you'll get the rest." I'd said.

"No. I'm not killing another person for you. You do it. But I want my money. And I'll get it, one way or another." James had stared at me with cold eyes.

"Fine. Try to get the money, but I'm not giving it up. Not unless you do what I ask." I'd said, and turned and stomped away.

So, James, the asshole, tried to kidnap Tim and Jessie, not to kill them, but to get his half of the money 'fairly.' It was wrong to go back on that promise, but sometimes, you've gotta do what you've gotta do. I had to try to get rid of the two of them now, because they knew too much. I'd figured since James was friends with Jessie that she'd be an easy target. I thought I'd convinced him, but he just wanted that money. And now he has it.

He convinced me that he'd take care of it, but I showed up to make sure the job was done. Once we brought Jessie and Tim to the shack, where we were going to leave them to die, he left and hit my freaking head, stole the cash, and got away.

And now, since I'm stuck in the hospital, I'm going to jail, while James, the true killer, runs free with three grand. Who knows what he could do?

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