Where is Jared Chapter 9

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Chapter 9- JESSIE

After I realized what Tim's problem was, I couldn't move. I was completely distraught. I couldn't understand why (or since when) Tim cared about me. It wasn't something I had ever thought through, until this moment. I'd never thought about the fact that Tim might actually care about me and my circumstances. I'd never thought he cared enough to pick a fight with someone. That had never occurred to me, until this moment.

Lots of things had never occurred to me, until this moment.

I really needed a reality check, and boy, did I get one.

I remember when things were simple between Tim and me. It used to be so simple. We were friends, but not anymore than that. Now, I wasn't sure. Yes, I thought it was great that he stood up for me, when I had yelled at him two days before. And yes, I did go to a party, but it wasn't James's fault. Or was it?

I had thought it was insane to think that Tim might care about me. But now...but now...there was that same feeling, just like the feeling I had when...gulp...Jared...died.

"Jessie?! Jessie!? JESSIE!!" Katie was screaming at me now. I looked up from my daze, and realized that Tim was gone. James was gone, the teachers were gone, and everyone else was gone. How long had I been sitting here?

I remained still, scared that if I moved, all of my realizations would disappear. I would have to move sometime, I thought. Reluctantly, I spoke. "If what I think happened actually happened, then I'm really caught in a mess..." I said quietly. Katie nodded. "I thought you'd say that. Look, I told Tim I didn't know what happened, and for your sake," she snarled, "I didn't know. Who knows what he'd do to me?!" She looked like she was joking, but with Katie, I could never be sure. She had never really liked Tim.

"Come on, let's go. I don't know how you did it, but you missed your last class..." Katie said sarcastically. "You should thank me for that."

I could hardly believe I had been sitting there for an hour and a half. I must have fallen asleep or something. The cramp I suddenly had in my neck explained it. "Thanks, but what exactly did you say?"


I laughed. "Well thanks for nothing, and I mean it!" I got into my car and started it. "That party was fun, though." I said. "You should have another one; just make sure you invite me!" I drove away, but not before I saw James, smiling crookedly with a swollen nose. He stared at me, clearly happy about something, but I didn't know what.


I stared at Jessie, and knew something was going on between us, or it would be soon. But I was still pretty angry with Tim. I was seriously going to get back at him. He knocked me out, embarrassed me to no end, but now, I'm taking his girl...Jessie...

I totally had never seen how great she was, I mean, Katie's my girl, but I still felt the need for this...this chase. I was chasing after...my revenge.


I walked into my house, hoping, hoping with all my heart, that my parents wouldn't be mad. I was in high school, but my parents were still pretty strict on starting fights. Of course, they'd never had a reason to be mad at me about a fight. Like I said, I was usually pretty non-violent. But things were changing. My life was changing. Love can do crazy things to people, I thought.

"Tim, I cannot believe you'd be in a fight!" My dad said as soon as I'd walked through the archway and into the living room. "But, you know what? I don't blame you in this case! I heard you knocked James Harrison out because you heard he was drinking. Is that true?"

I laughed. "Word gets around, huh?" I said. "It wasn't exactly all of it. I was trying to-"

He interrupted. "I'm not going to punish you Tim. It seems you had your reasons for whatever it was." He dismissed me with a wave of his hand. That went way better than I'd thought.

There was a knock at the door.


"Tim? Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked, unsure of what I was doing. "Um...Why? I thought you were mad at me." He said, anger muddling his features. "I was- am." I said harshly. He stepped outside his door. "Alright then, shoot."

"I'm sorry I was so mean the other day. I was just....venting. I mean, you jumped on me, plus Katie, plus everyone kept staring at me..." I began.

"No, no. I should be apologizing. I was laughing." He said.

"I'm not finished." I shot him a look. "I'm so grateful for you for standing up for me after I did that to you. But James is my friend." I saw Tim's face darken as I said this, and remembered James's look from a while ago. "I knew what I was doing when I went to that party. I knew I was taking a risk when I had that beer, and I know it was wrong. But I can make my own choices, Tim.

"I can do what I want. You don't need to stand up for me, when it was my fault."

"Are you finished now?" he asked. It looked like he was trying with all his will not to show anger, but I knew it was there.


"I can't believe you are friends with James. JAMES! Him of all people! You know the kind of stuff he does, and you know as well as I do, he doesn't make good choices. I don't want you to be around him. He's not safe."

In a split second I was raging. "Since when are you my father, Tim? Since when do you tell me what to do?" I ranted.

His faced suddenly his face was serious. He grabbed both sides of my head, holding my tight in his grip. "I love you." He whispered. "That's why I say this. I love you!" He suddenly leaned in to kiss me, and before I could move, his lips were hard on mine.


I knew it was wrong to kiss her, but that anger, mixed with hate, and love all at once, was too much. I had to do it. I had only kissed her for five seconds, all the while, she was pushing against me, and the she broke free. She screamed at me. "You freak! I can't believe you. Why did you lie?! WHY!? You can't love me. Because I don't love you! I can't hurt you like this! That's why we can't be together! It's not right, Tim!"

She turned, wiping her mouth, and stomped across the yard, back to her house.

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