Where is Jared Chapter 23

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Chapter 23- TIM

I didn't know what happened to her leg, but whoever did it was going to get a beat down. There was no way I was letting them get away with this.

I jumped up despite my earlier weakness, and ran toward her, trying to see what was wrong. She had her arm around Katie, limping very badly. Her face was creased into a grimace from the pain. It was her right leg, I noticed with a jolt, and blood was practically dripping from her pants.

"I'll kill them..." I mumbled. Out loud I said, "What happened?"

"James stabbed me."

"Really? He's still conscious?"

"Apparently. He came by us in the woods, with the knife, stabbed me, and ran off. Good thing he did, too, or we would have killed him. I sure hope the police got to the clearing in time. That's where he was headed, so he's in for a surprise."

I laughed, despite being so angry at James for hurting her. She didn't look like she was in too much pain, so she must have been okay. And she had called the cops. Just in time, too.

I thanked her, God, and anyone else who may have helped with this whole situation. Then I sighed. "Jacob's having a rough time. The police are on their way?"

"Yep." We walked over to where Jacob was, on the verge of unconsciousness. Kyle was out, luckily. Thanks to me, really. I felt special.

Just then the police came rushing out of the trees just beyond the cabin, and boy were they on lockdown. Stretchers, paramedics, police with guns, the whole nine yards. All for us. This was a big weight off of my shoulders.

The stretchers were loaded with Jacob, Jessie, and Kyle, so it saved me some embarrassment. I just had one more concern. "Did you get James?" I asked one of the workers.

"Hell yea. He ran straight into us at the clearing. Had a bloody knife, though we can see where that came from. Poor guy, he was so shocked I think he wet his pants."

I laughed, relieved.

So now all that was left was waiting. Well, walking for me, back to the truck, and then waiting to see how Jessie was. This was a great adventure for me, and it had turned out for the better. Well, except for risking our lives, getting injured, and getting the killer's father involved. That wasn't good on our part, but I'm sure Jacob won't be too awfully mad.

I'd almost forgotten about testifying. How could we ever get a straight story if it weren't for us four? That was nothing to worry about, at least for right now.


I was on the verge of passing out on the way to the ambulance van. There was no way I was going to make it. My leg was pretty much numb, and for that I was grateful. It meant no pain, no crying. I was not a wimp. It also meant probably more surgery though. Ugh.

I heard the doctors and paramedics talking about the bones in my leg, using details, and then I couldn't hold on anymore, I was out.


To my surprise, they were going to let me talk to Jessie before her surgery. My injuries were paper-cuts compared to hers. Sadly, Jessie was unconscious as they pulled her out of the van at the hospital. Katie and I had followed them in Jacob's truck, praying and crying the whole way. All four of them (two killers and two heroes) were taken inside to get treatment.

And Jessie wasn't the worst one in the bunch. Jacob had a broken arm and a broken leg, and more cuts and bruises than anyone could count. Jessie, at least, wasn't that bad.

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