Where is Jared Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- TIM

"Oh stop your whining." Katie's words stabbed at me again. This vicious person was once Jessie's friend. But I could never tell her about this. Could I? No. For her own safety, she should never know. I knew this much as I was crying beneath the hands of a killer.

Katie stared at me, her eyes unruly and cold. I spat in her face. "You're a liar. A rotten liar who can't even spare the truth for her best friend."

"The one who was my best friend." She emphasized the fact that Jessie was no longer her friend.

I should've known she'd say that. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself. "Just let me go. I won't call the cops, but not because I'm afraid." I lied. "I have my own reasons for keeping my mouth shut." I stated. That, at least, was the truth. I did have my own reasons.

Reasons like Jessie's safety.

I kept my composure long enough to say this, and with the hate and fear, emanating from Katie's eyes, I knew she knew I was lying.

She smiled a heartbreaking smile, and said, "Nah, I think I'll ask James about that." She started to pull me up from the ground, but I wouldn't budge.

"You can't tell her. I don't want her to know that you're a part of this."

"Why the hell..."

"Because I love her. I'm not saving your ass, I'm saving hers."

"I don't see how." She smirked.

"Oh, you will." I mumbled, knowing she couldn't hear.

She did not accept my wishes. She tried to pull me up. But this, this is where I had the advantage. Or so I thought.

She had been lying on top of me, in what seemed like an uncomfortable position, her legs and arms sprawled across me, keeping me down. But once she shifted her weight, even the slightest bit, I had her. I tripped her, using her fall to push myself out from under her. It worked like a charm.

I was free. I began running toward where I'd last seen Jessie, sprinting frantically toward my goal. I made it almost the whole way, looking at my feet. It wasn't until I looked up, that I realized they were gone.


I had no clue where this demon was taking me. It didn't matter; I was 99% sure I would never be found. No one, except for Tim, knew what I had been up to. I would be surprised if my mother even noticed and called the cops. This hurt me, sadly, and I knew that no one cared whether I lived or died. At this point, neither did I.

I tried not to let James know that I was crying, hoping that if he knew I was tough that he would let me go. Not going to happen, I thought.

He was carrying me in an awkward way, holding me over his shoulder and pushing on my back roughly. He had something else in his hand. A gun? I had no clue.

This 'something else' was pressing into my back, hard. It stabbed, but not like a knife. No, nothing like the knife that had cut my throat earlier. I cringed, thinking about the hot blood that was still running down my neck and chest.

James snickered.

I rolled my eyes, knowing he couldn't see. Of course, he'd blindfolded me, so I couldn't see anything either.

I finally spoke. "You know this is crazy. I was just trying to talk to you. I didn't even know for sure if you killed...." Gulp. "Jared or not. I was just...." I began to cry audibly.

He laughed now, knowing he'd won. "Doesn't matter if you knew. It happened, and that's all you need to know."

"No it's not. Why did you do it?"

"I said that's all you need to know. Now shut up, there are people coming." He sounded anxious bout that fact.

Now was my chance to scream.

"If you even think about screaming, I'll kill you, and your precious new boyfriend."

"Then you best kill me now." I said, and then I screamed as loud as possible. The thing on my back hit my head with great force, and everything went black. But not before my blindfold fell off.

In the darkness, running toward us, were my two rescuers.


I saw her, hanging over James's shoulder, and my whole body went rigid. I saw her face, dead and lifeless, and anger was my very core. I automatically charged at him, aiming my blow for his ugly face. This would be the second time, I thought. Better than the first. My fist struck with an angry blow, and my knuckles crunched.

"Ow!" I screamed, and it echoed off of the walls of the old shack. I tried to keep my hand still, knowing my knuckle was broken.

James sneered, knowing he'd done the right thing by bringing that gun, and especially using it to break my freaking hand. I screamed at him. "You creep. Just let us both go!" I whirled and almost smacked into Katie again, and she backed off. I hoped I had hurt her earlier when I'd broken free.

James was still smiling.

"You aren't going anywhere."

In the next second, both of them raced for the shack door, and James locked it on his way out.

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