Where is Jared Chapter 21

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Chapter 21- JESSIE

We finally arrived in the clearing before the woods. And boy was it beautiful. The green canopy seemed to flow from the background colors in the sky. The sun was already down, so the very little blue that was left in the sky just glowed over the trees.

The amazing part of it all was the sound. The birds chirping, even at this late hour in the afternoon; the locusts that always appeared during the summer; even the wind moving the limbs gently. All of these noises made the sight that much more wonderful.

Tim was quiet, and seemed to be staying away from Jacob. I probably didn't want to know what was going on. Katie was chatting with Jacob anyway, almost in a flirty voice. That was odd.

We were headed to one of the cabins where Jacob used to go camping. He'd said it was about an hour hike. That seemed pretty long to me. That gave us about an hour up there before we'd have to be heading back, which was not long at all.

I finally acknowledged the fact that we were going to be walking for a long time. Tim walked up to me, smiling. "We never finished our conversation earlier today. God that seems like weeks ago doesn't it?"

"Yea." I said, not wanting to talk about dating him. That was bad enough the first time.

"So..." Tim was shy? I was confused, because as it seemed, he was very... motivated earlier, when we were in a hospital.


"So... When all of this is over.. do you think we could... go out some time?"

"Tim... I don't know. I'll have to wait, and so will you. I'm not... not ready for a new relationship, yet."

He sighed. "I know it's hard, but I'm here for you. I'll do anything you ask. And I won't ask any questions. I know you miss him. I do too! But it's time to move on."

His words hit home. I didn't want to admit that, though. "Let's just concentrate on getting these guys. Okay?"

"Okay." He accepted that I was too broken to be mended just yet. I was grateful for that. I gave him a warming smile, to convince him that I was okay, even though I was far from it. "Beautiful out here, isn't it?"

"Oh yes. I love these trees... they're so... peaceful!"

"I know." To my surprise, Tim tried to take my hand. Couldn't he take a hint? Apparently not. I tugged away ever so slowly, trying not to upset him. It worked, but I heard him sigh and walk a few feet father away. I just wanted to be alone, and I hoped he could see that.

We walked in silence for a while. A good while, actually. For about a half hour, not even Katie spoke, and that was saying something. Jacob finally sighed, relieved.

"The cabin's only about five minutes away. We actually made better time than usual." I could see the break in the trees ahead, which is where I guessed the cabin was. We might be yards away from two murderers. I hadn't thought about it, but now it scared me. We were yards away from the people who had a hand in killing my boyfriend, the first love of my life.

I shuddered.

"We're here." Jacob breathed. The opening in the trees was obvious now, and I could see the cabin from where we stood. That didn't mean we were going inside. We were definitely not going in, because maybe there were killers in there. The simple truth of that must have reached everyone, because we all stiffened.

"What should we do?" I asked.

"Maybe we should just call them out here, you know, to speak peacefully." Katie said. Jacob and Tim exploded with laughter, and then quieted themselves.

"Hell no! They'll come out and shoot us." Tim giggled. I rolled my eyes so that Katie could see, and we shared our own little laugh.

"Let's get moving then. We can...um...sneak around the back. There's a closet... one that I don't think Kyle knew about when he was little. Maybe... just maybe he never figured it out. We can hide in there." Jacob said.

Then it was settled. We skillfully stepped over the small creek, and crept around the side of the cabin. I could have appreciated the beauty of this place, had it not been for the obvious urgency of this situation.

Finally we heard the voices.


"No! I'm not leaving! This is the safest place we could be right now. You know that better than me. How do you think you've been out here your whole life? How do you think you haven't gotten caught yet?" It was James. Figured, since he was behind all this, he'd want to stay as hidden as possible.

"Man, you know I love you like a brother. But I want some new toys, and I need a fix. And now you've got money! Give me half. That's it. Fifteen hundred bucks to get me something. Please. And you don't have to comce with me. I'll go by myself."

"No. It's my money." Yea, I thought: His money that he stole. Half of that money was Katie's. And he knew it. And Kyle knew that too. I kept listening.

"Yea, man, but I need a fix, I told you!"

"I don't care. You're not getting it!"

"Look, I got you this place, with the flatscreen, the radio, kept you out of trouble. And this is how I'm thanked? Damn it, James!"

"Kyle, you know you don't need any more guns, or drugs. You're messing yourself up."

So, the 'toys' were guns, and he was on drugs. What a criminal. At least I had comfort in knowing that James was the better of the two.

"Man, you're messing me up." I heard the punch, and flinched. Glass broke. They were fighting. What great timing.

"Go, I'll get around front." Jacob said. "Meet me there, and try to get them with you."

I understood, but didn't push it. Just as Jacob rounded the corner, I saw it. A gun. Boy was he smart. I didn't ever have access to a gun, especially not one that nice.

"Let's go."

We stood up, and walked around quietly. They were still clueless. I was so glad I'd outsmarted the bad guys.

And then I realized they weren't fighting anymore. It was quiet. Crap, I was going to use that as a distraction. I halted abruptly, and Katie smacked into me. "Ow!" She protested, and that was it for us.

Kyle came rounding the corner, bloody and mad. "Wha?" He was astounded, and that's when we all came out. He had a huge wad of cash. I guessed he'd won the fight. But it figured, with his muscles.

His arms were fully built, it was a wonder he wasn't on steroids. Hell, he very well could have been.

He smirked at us. "What do you guys expect to do to me?"

"Throw your ass in jail, for one thing." snapped Katie. She had met her dad's killer, and boy did he piss her off.

"Oh yea?"

"Yep." It was Jacob, with the gun. He was aiming it at Kyle. How could he do this to his son? I didn't question it.

Kyle turned. "Dad?"

Jacob gave a cold stare in return. Kyle spoke again. "Dad? Why are you here?"

It was the cry of a child, almost as if it was on purpose. Kyle was trying to manipulate his father into letting down his guard.

"You wouldn't shoot me, would you?"

"Hell yea, I would. Now, leave those kids alone, and hand me the money."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"Your father, now hand it over." Jacob's stare was of love, despite this warning. He was faltering. He was about to help a criminal.

Kyle finally calmed down. He regretfully walked toward his father, who in turn lowered the gun.

"No!" I yelled, just before Kyle took out a gun of his own, and fired.

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