Chapter 33 - HEALING SCARS

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Lucas POV

   I finally understand why Celeste hates hospitals. The white rooms all hold the same overpowering scent of antiseptic and the loud medical equipment rings in my ears. The nurses urged me to rest after stitching up the slice on my shoulder.

   The wound wasn't deep enough to be fatal and all it took to fix was stitches. If it had been deeper then my situation would have been more problematic. I also had a slight concussion from being knocked out and some mild bruising but it's nothing that I can't handle.

   My eyes snap up towards the door when my family enters the room and I smile. Each of them rush towards me with tears of relief in their eyes. When I don't see Celeste with them I begin to wonder if she was okay. She was weak after those days that she had disappeared.

   My attention turns to the nurse in the room.

"Is Celeste okay?"

   The nurse nods while giving me a reassuring smile.

"She's going to be okay. She had some internal and external bruising and a gash that required a couple stitches. She was heavily dehydrated and her neck has deep bruising from where she was strangled. She's awake though and wanted to see you."

I nod.

"How is Jason?"

   Her smile falters and she tries her best to regain her composure.

"I don't have much information on him at the moment. He's in critical condition but we have our best team of surgeons working to fix him up now. "

   I nod and swallow my eyes locking with my parents momentarily who look worried. Simon notices their concerned faces and cuddles against them.

"Can I see her?"

   The nurse nods.

"She's with her family right now and she is going to make a couple statements for the local police. After she finishes up I'll send you over. Try to relax for now."

   I nod at the nurse.

"Thank you."

   She smiles while leaving the room , "She's a tough girl."

    As she closes the door I nod. Celeste is the epitome of a fighter.

Celeste POV

I've been in between consciousness and unconsciousness after being found in the woods. When I finally came to my senses I noticed the stiffness that I felt throughout my body.

I take notice of the brace around my sore neck and the IV in my arm. Various bandages covered where the chains dug into my wrists and where I had gotten cut.

I then notice my parents sitting together in the side of the room. My voice is hoarse and weak when I try to talk but it's enough to get their attention.


My mother's tired eyes widen happily and she stands and my father follows after her.

He smiles kindly at me, "You're awake!"

When I attempt to speak again they both quickly stop me.

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